Feedback on my cut

I'm starting a cut and would just like some feedback on my calories, etc.

I weight 181 pounds and am 5'7". I believe I am roughly 15% body fat, but I have posted some pictures on my bodyspace gallery and if you believe I am a different bodyfat please let me know! I also hit the gym lifting weights 6 days a week, roughly 1 hr to 1hr 15 minutes per workout.

Knowing this, I found a formula on the forums to calculate my TDEE. I went about it like this:

Calculate lean body mass: 181 pounds * (1 - 15% bodyfat) = roughly 153 pounds
BMR using Katch-McArdle formula: 370 + (9.8 * 153) = 1,869 calories
Multiple by activity factor: I believe I am in between moderately active and very active because I am currently a student (so not much activity aside from maybe 25 minutes biking/walking) but have 6 hard workouts a week.
So I multiplied 1,869 by 1.65 and got 3,084 calories for my TDEE.

So to lose a pound of fat a week I subtracted 500 from 3,084 and try to eat around 2400 to 2600 calories per day. I get around 150-170 grams of protein per day (roughly 1g per pound of lean body mass), around 90g-100g of fat per day, then fill the rest with carbs.

Please let me know if I should change anything or if I am on the right track. Any insight would be much appreciated!

from Forums - Nutrition


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