Loose Skin and fat loss

So I've started doing a diet and will start going back to the gym at about the 1st week of the next month so for now I workout at home. (I follow athlean x for hiit workouts and still lift supersets for my arms and shoulders and chest of 5 circuits each with 2x10kg dumbells) Other than that my back and abs I do free hand and I do this course by Frank Midrano who's workouts are comprised of calisthenics. I also need to mention that 4years ago I was about 96kg (i was 5ft9in) and I dropped through to 66kg in around a month and a week but it was due to over exercise and extreme starvation so I lost a lot of lean muscles too. Not only that but I also got loose skin now. Anyway that's how i started working out on a quest to fix my loose skin without surgery. Currently I'm 5ft11in and I weight 76kg

Anyway with that out of the way this is what diet I've been following recently.

4 egg whites (scrambled, fried or omelette), wholegrain bread (2 slices), oats (50g), milk

Hummus on oatcakes and 2 green apples and 1 banana

Turkey (150g), Swiss cheese and salad on wholegrain bread

Protein shake, 2 pieces of citrus fruits, black coffee or avocado

Stir-bowl chicken (150g) and broc**** (1 cup), brown rice (1 cup)

Frozen yoghurt (200ml) and protein shake

This amounts to 145g of Carbs 126g of Protein and 34g of fat. (Using myfitnesspal)

Anyway looking at examples of fat body% pictures I would say I still have a lot of fat too lose and lot of lost muscle to build up. Will this diet help me lose body fat and gain muscles? Will my workouts be sufficient? Or if there are better ways to gain muscle and lose fat please do point me to the correct direction. Kinda a bit desperate at this moment.

Edit.- I do not know why they censored broc**** (brocc oli)

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2NQEYFG


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