Bulk or cut ( Help I'm lost )

Hey there thank you for stopping by my post I'm looking for guidance if I should either bulk or cut.

Here are my stats :
Current weight as of today - 67kg (147.4 pounds )
Height : 172+- ( Around 5'7 )
Body fat : 14 - 17% ( The best estimate i can give at this point of time )

Quick introduction..
About a year or so ( around 12 - 14 months ) I was extremely overweight for my height I was close to 100kgs ( 220 pounds ).
After a year I managed to lose 30 - 33kgs which was a big accomplishment for me. I did it all by myself with some research that I have done because I was just sick of my body and how I looked like.
For the first few weeks I just adjusted my diet cut out the bad stuff like candy etc but it wasnt until a month or so after that I joined my local gym.
I didnt really train smart I just did whatever there was to be honest it was my fault for not seeking information online I would guess most noobs starting out do similar mistakes.
So fast forward a year I am down to my current weight of around 67kg and I am just not satisfied with how my body is looking like.
I feel like I still have alot of fat on my body around my stomach area and my chest. I feel like I am skinny fat or whatever the term is that people use. I look good in a shirt but when I take it off you can see the fat obviously.
And now I came to a stop where I just dont know what to do, I am not sure if I should cut down even more of my fat or do a slow 6 - 12months ( 10 - 20 pounds ) bulk then cut down so I actually have some visible muscle on me.
I would be looking to follow a strength program like a 5x5 or any others that there are out there.

Please any suggestions and advice is greatly appreciated I am really lost on what I should do.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2Nb0Jex


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