Need help with nutrition (lost 135 lbs to date)

Hey everyone,

I'm Mike, 26 year old male.

Since end ofJanuary I have been doing intermittent fasting (19-5, eating twice a day about 1800-2000 calories in total).

I went from 370lbs to 245 lbs in about 8-9 months. I started by walking on the treadmill for 35 minutes 5-6 days a week, then a couple of months later I was doing some HIIT outside for about 30 mins 3-4 times a week.

I started going to the gym about 2 weeks ago and I feel like I am starting to hit a weight plateau. I am going 3x a week and also do some cardio/HIIT/basketball 3x a week.

In order to overcome my plateau, someone suggested to increase my calories intake to maintenance level (about 3000 for me) for 1-2 months in order to let my body gain some muscle and to rebalance its hormonal level. After 2 months, I would start eating 2000 calories per day and will be burning fat a lot more!

I would like to know what should I be eating.

Right now, my first meal is a 12h. I usually have proteins (eggs, tuna (with a bit of low fat mayo, chicken) and some carbs (oatmeal or rice cakes).
Final meal is at 17h. I eat more carbs and protein (beef or pork)

My problem is that I go to the gym at night (21h-22h) and I don't eat anything before the next day at noon (because of my intermittent fasting). Should I be changing something in my routine (what i eat, number of times I eat, when I go to the gym, etc..)

Thank in advance!

from Forums - Nutrition


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