ammonia smell in sweat, nutrition seems on point.. what am I doing wrong?

Hello fellow gym-goers,

39 male, 82kg, about 18% body fat. Been working out hard for the past 3 months, with the aid of a personal trainer who's a big guy that used to compete in bodybuilding.

I work out 6x per week for about 90 minutes each time, on a 3 day split which I repeat twice. I have a big portion of oatmeal every morning with a little bit of sweetened yogourt and a single piece of dark chocolate. Then I hit the gym about 1 hour after this initial meal. I have a pre-workout mix and glutamine. Following the workout I have a protein shake with 2.8% milk. And then I have some pretty clean meals throughout the day consisting of chicken breast, broc****, white potatoes, eggs, cheese and nuts in moderation. Then around bedtime I have another protein shake.

I don't feel that I'm overdoing the protein intake. I also don't feel like my diet is that low on carbs. Every time I shower post-workout I get this strong smell of ammonia, and it's also on my clothes despite hand-washing my clothes daily (enough to get the smell out completely).

I did a full blood panel test a few months ago, prior to starting this training mind you, but there was nothing weird or unusual about my results. I've also experienced the same thing in the past.

I been reading about this and it seems to often be related to not having enough carbs in the diet or too much protein.. but I feel like I am getting a lot of carbs from that morning oatmeal and then veggies throughout the day, and I feel like I'm getting enough but not too much protein.

Any other idea what might be causing this? Should I just try to have even more carbs? Other than that I have nothing to complain about, I have lots of energy in the gym and I'm making decent gains considering I'm still at the beginning of this journey.

from Forums - Nutrition


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