I'm lost

Hi all,

Currently i'm kinda lost and don't know exactly what to do.. I'm 155 lbs , 15% fat and 5 feet 10.
I'm already having a double chin, fat on my chest and back but i'm only 155 lbs and my goal is 170 lbs 12% fat.
Now i tried to bulk but then i look in the mirror and see my chubby face and then i try to cut and i'm skinny asf again and so it continues.. Idk what to do anymore.. i've attached a recent picture of me.
I need something like build muscle and lose fat at the same time..
My macros now: 250 carb , 190 protein , 80 fat
Maybe should i try high fat low carb?

Any advice?

Attached Images

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2OTyjal


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