I wanne do A clean bulk, help!!

I am 19 years old 186cm 78 kg i left for 2 years I am A student computer sience so only activity is 1.5 h of gym and 20 min walking A day

I wanne da A clean bulk . I dont like A dirty bulk. All the calculations i did gold me to get +- 3100 kcal that is A lot of food i need Some advice to do this.

Atm i eat 5 times A day
40 gr of oatmeal
35 cl of milk
3 scoop’s of whey protein
800 gr chicken
400 gr rise
400gr vegetables

I cook everything with olive oil

Can someone Give my advice How to get more kcal that are clean Nice food or Some tricks or mayby the 3000 kcal are to much idk

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2xGn5zm


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