Ditch macros for clean?

Hey all!

So currently I follow a calorie/macro strict diet, for the most part I eat healthy but sometimes to meet my percentages or stay under I will turn to processed foods (premade shakes, protein bars, etc)... I feel also as though my body fat percentage has been stuck at the same spot for months, even with lowering calories a little, playing with macros, and changing around workouts...

Something I have heard from articles is clean eating really helped to push people to meeting their goals. I've been fiddling with the idea of sticking to meats, veggies, and rice... But I don't trust myself to stick with it while following specific macros (I tend to be 35/35/30)

What are your thoughts on just eating clean, maybe counting calories, but not worring too much on macros?

(I love real asian food... So kind of a traditional asian diet)

Any advice or experience is appreciated :-)

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2QpaI1R


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