I failed all my lifts today

Hi, I listened to the advice ppl gave me 3 months ago. I started weightlifting in June and since then I’ve gotten up to 3x5 190lbs squats, 3x5 115 bench press, and 225 1x5 deadlift. 2 weeks ago, I popped a muscle in my back in the deadlift and it went down by 20 pounds. Today, I squatted 195 3x5 and only got 8 reps in. For bench I did 117 3x5 and I only got 9 reps in. For deadlift I could only pull 205 2 TIMES!!!!!! I’m so pissed right now. I train 3 times a week mondays and fridays being my heavy day and Wednesday being my light day ( the only thing I do different on Wednesday is OH press instead of bench. ) I also do some dumbbell stuff at home to train biceps and triceps. I’m 15 years old 5”8, 145lbs and I eat 2400 calories a day. My question is, how much should I be eating in terms of macros every day? I know it should be at least 3000, but I’m just going on a rant.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2OXwAAW


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