Sedentary Lifestyle & Poor Nutrition

Good afternoon everyone. I hope this is the right place to look for advice.

A little about myself, i've lived a sedentary lifestyle pretty much my whole life along with poor nutrition. I would mainly eat 1 meal a day and light snacking throughout the day/night. This has been my eating habit for aslong as I can remember. I tend to get full pretty quickly, and even when i'm full I tend to over eat, and when I eat, I eat very very quickly. Over the past month or two, i've been hitting the gym 3-5 days a week and hitting the weights hard. I have noticed great increases in strength over the past few weeks, but my weight seems to stay the same. I know the weight will not fly off.. but I've switched over to a more healthier lifestyle with the choices i make when it comes to food, how much of it i'm eating and when to eat it. My concern is that after years and years of eating off a schedule and eating so little that even though eating healthier foods, no matter what, im putting myself into a calorie surplus. My main goal is to lose weight, i am about 30 pounds overweight. I'm not sure if I should be eating even less even though before I barely ate at all, or if I should try to eat more. Im trying to jump start my metabolism as i'm sure it is piss poor.

from Forums - Nutrition

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