Need Advice:Diagnosed with Pre-diabetes

I was recently diagnosed with "insulin resistance". I'm not an expert on diabetes, but my doctor told me its considered "pre-diabetic" to some extent. Based on everything, it is just genetics. Long story short, blood sugar is constantly low.

My question is about it affecting my diet. I'm used to eating 100mg carb meals 4-5 a day. Which really is just maintaining for me. Not trying to get a lot bigger. I'm limited to 30g 4 times and day with 3 15g snacks in between. I can however eat as much protein and fat as I want.

I've tried keto. Wasn't for me. No energy with out the carbs. I'm currently 5'11ish at 205-210lbs at probably 12-13% body fat. Ive been 225lbs at 10% prior in my "body building days." I really just work out to relieve stress now.

My question is, how am I suppose to continue on working out like I do on such little carbs and not have my blood sugar drop at the gym? Surely someone else has dealt with this issue. My endocrinologist isn't being very helpful. I think he thinks I'm only concerned with my appearance as a "bigger guy." I mean, I kind of am. Lifting is really my relaxation though. Its stressful enough having to drop some of my favorite foods (pasta) and now lifting is hard to do because of my allowed carb intake.

from Forums - Nutrition

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