More carbs works for me?

Hey all, so a little experiment I've don't with my self over the last 2 weeks, I'm not sure if this is the placebo effect or not, maybe someone can chime in.

I've always had a pretty fast metabolism and never really felt 100% on point with my nutrition through out my lifting career. I'm currently doing the fierce 5 intermediate program.

Now, 1st week of my experiment I ate like alot of protein, not many carbs. I felt kind of flat during this period and a little weaker than normal, kinda tired and lazy as well.

The 2nd week I upped my carb intake to basically 5 cups of rice a day along with the same amount of protein, I felt absolutely jacked, strong full of energy ready to go and deadlift a house.

I'm not very knowledgeable in the nutrition department. Can anyone explain to me why this is?

I also gained like 4 lbs

from Forums - Nutrition

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