Doubt about bulking & body recomposition for gaining muscle mass

I've been in the same BW for a few years now. Through body recomposition I am already in a very low body fat percentage, so additional muscle mass gains (and fat loss) are unlikely to occur anymore if I keep on a maintenance diet

- In order to solve this, I've decided to initiate a 5 month bulk, aiming to increase my BW a maximum of 5kg (so +1kg/month) in order to minimize fat gain. I'd do it by eating extra amounts of almonds and walnuts after every meal (forced eating) ensuring total calories are over maintenance & there's enough protein

- After the 5-month bulk period, my plan is to stop eating all the extra nuts, so I'd end up eating the same calories than now (month 0). Thats my 'cut' phase

- My doubt is: if X extra calories bring me to BW+5kg, would stop eating those X extra calories bring me back to exactly the initial BW and BF? (without net increases on lean muscle). To illustrate it, an example (specific data is arbitrary)

Lets suppose I'm 70kg at 8% BF now, through eating 2000 calories/day. If I increase calories up until 2500cal/day and got to 75kg and maybe 10-12% BF after 5 months, would decreasing my calories again to 2000cal/day bring me back to 70kg & 8%BF? (so there's not any net muscle gain and I've just wasted my time)

- An alternative plan to minimize fat gain is to increase my calories progressively every week until BF increases +1%, and then cutting back again until initial BF. Would this strategy lead to steady & accumulative lean muscle mass gains?

For example, if I start at 70kg at 8%, I'd bulk until 9% and then cut back until 8% again, as a cycle. Theorically, after each cycle the 8% BF would correspond to a slightly higher BW due to the muscle gain. So maybe after 5 times doing this I'm 71kg at 8%, then 72kg at 8% and so on

I know usually its recommended to bulk until 15% BF and then cut until 10%, but I wonder if a less extreme approach through microbulks & microcuts would work as well


from Forums - Nutrition

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