Does it make sense for me to train legs heavily right now?

I can see the looks on the faces; hear the comments; but let me explain.
I'm 5 weeks out from another show; been bulking for 3 months since my last show and now cutting on 1700 cals per day. Obviously when I was in surplus I was training heavy and hard with all my body parts, trying to put on size. But now I'm in deficit; I'm still training upper body heavily trying to preserve all the muscle I can. But does it make sense to keep pounding my legs in a deficit where I'm really not going to get much growth anyway? I just don't want to lose too much size on them because I don't have much to start with!
So would stimulation style workouts (14-18 rep sets) be bad for the next 5 weeks until I'm in surplus again? Then I'll pound the piss outta them again, but for now?

from Forums - Nutrition

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