Diet Checkup and suggestion

Hi, this is zak from India.
I would like to take some suggestion or check wheather my diet is considerable for gaining or fat loss.
I used the same diet and gained 14 kgs in 6 months with weight training.
My reps were around 6-8 strict form and i have been lifting from 3 years without any break.
I go with some passion and I am very sincere about my diet and workout.
Height 5'5,weight 72Kgs , Bodyfat
My diet follows like this:

Morning 6:55 A.M (Indian Standard Time)

100 Gms of Quaker Oats (uncooked oats)- Usaually grind the oats in the blender.
1 Table spoon honey
1 table spoon Cinnamon Powder
1 table spoon apple cinder veniger
6 egg whites (medium to large eggs)
1 capsule of optimen

Mid Snacks 10:30 A.M (Indian Standard Time) - mostly skipped. *****In a week 3 times skipped this meal*****
4 slices of brown Bread
6 Egg white omlette (with 1 tbl spoon of olive oil)
No spices added on the omlette.
6 almonds

Lunch 1:00 P.M (Indian Standard Time)
30 gms of brown rice (uncooked)
150-180 gms of BOILED CHICKEN (boneless skinless) (uncooked measure) - 1 pinch of black pepper and no salt , 1 tbl spoon of turmeric. Cooked in water for 20-25 minutes.1 tbl spoon of olive oil is added,half cup of mint leaves ,half lemon squeezed,half cup corriander leaves added to chicken for flavour.
7-8 buds of boiled broc**** .
1 capsule of Fish oil.(BSN Fish oil DNA)
1 capsule of optimen.

Evening snacks (pre workout meal) 5:00 P.M (Indian Standard Time)
100 gms of oats shake
6 egg whites.

Post workout meal 8:30 P.M (Indian Standard Time)
Immediately after workout 8 egg whites-8:35 P.M

15 mins after egg whites i eat 6 dates and 100 gms of watermellon (watermellon is juiced using juicer) - 8:50 P.M

45 mins later ,I eat 30 gms of white rice (uncooked measure) , 150-180 gms of boiled chicken, 6 cashews , 7 buds of broc****.

1 Capsule of MultiVitamins (optimen).

I have used protein suppliments for past 2.5 years but now i am spending money for eggs ,chicken.

Suppliments Using Now:
Fish oil - (BSN Fish oil DNA)
Multi Vitamin - (optimen)
BCAA - (Scaviation Xtend Perfomance)
Protein - (Dymatize ISO 100) (Thinking to add 1 scoop of isolate , not included still)

Workout efficiency:

Bench: Incline (160 pounds) 3 sets 8-12 reps 1 RPM- 325 pounds (2 reps).

squats: 160 pounds 3 sets 8-12 reps 1RPM- 300 pounds (5 reps).

deadlift : 180 pounds 3 sets 8- 12 reps 1RPM- 285 pounds (3 reps).

Give me some suggetions to increase my perfoamnce and muscle mass.
I have some knowledge and the above diet is personally prepared by me by seeing some interviews,reading books magzines,everything i had to get it done.

from Forums - Nutrition

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