Using BCCAS effectively

Hey guys I know this may cause some contriversy but would this be considered using BCCAs effectively, out of my 4/5 meals per day which normally consist of 30/40g quality protein I have 1 meal (the meal after breakfast but before lunch) which consists of..

100cals of mixed unsalted nuts
Peanut butter sandwich
Nut bar (my treat.. 12.5gs fat)
YoPro (protein greek yoghurt thing in Australia)
Kiwi fruit

This comes out about 40ish grams of protein but as the protein sources are not quality i supplement with 2 tablets of BCCas which contain 1g leucine per serve (I TRIED LEUCINE ON ITS OWN AND IT WAS DISGUSTING)

So I literally just supplement with the BCCAS for the leucine content as quality of protein is bad, its alot cheaper than making another meal with quality protein and its a meal in my day I thoroughly enjoy.

Is there a point of a BCCA (LEUCINE) supplementation in this scenario or meh?


from Forums - Nutrition

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