Still eating 3.8k to 4k calories a day. Did a deload week. Stalled for 2 months.

My current lifts (looking at my NSUNS APP)

bench: 225 for 2 reps
zercher squat: 170 for 1 rep
deadlift: 345 for 2 reps
ohp: (I switched to 4 day so no more OHP day but last time I got 145 for 2 reps)

These lifts I've had for almost 2 months now. 2 months ago I was 173 lb. I am eating 3.8k to 4k calories a day and I've weighed myself every day the past week and I've weighted 168-172 lb. The past 2 days in a row I've been at 168.8 lb. I've even resorted to eating a piece of cheese cake almost every day the past week. I've did a deload week and still no progress. I started a small business about a month ago and it is pretty physical work and I sweat and walk a lot but I very, very highly doubt I am burning 1k+ calories a day doing it. What gives? I'm about to just go full on dirty bulk (not really) but I'm not gaining weight even eating all this food.

For instance this morning I had:
4 eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, 4 pieces of toast, 2 cups of milk, 1 cup of tomato juice, 1 piece of cheese. Snack will be yogurt, granola, and walnuts. Lunch will be rice and chicken. Post workout meal probably the same or by then it'll be dinner. Snack later on at night will be cereal and milk and honey. Wtf?

from Forums - Nutrition


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