Intermittent fasting and macros

Question on 20:4 intermittent fast. Fast from 8 PM to 4 PM (next day). Pre-workout shake of 30g protein. Workout from 4.30 PM to 5.30 PM / 6 PM. Post workout shake. Then from 6 -8 PM is eating window.

Macros, 150g protein 200 - 250g carbs and 30 - 35g fat. So around 1900 cals, roughly. 5 foot 8 and about 65 Kilos.

Is this much carbs in a two hour window a good thing? I have read many threads saying timing does not count if you hit your macros, but ~250g carbs in a single meal gonna cause any downside to leaning out?

Below ~350 cals of maintenance at the moment. IF for 3 days with above macros, no bloating experienced yet. Results? Too soon to comment.

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