How long does it take to get back into an optimal state from cutting to bulking?

After cutting for a while i heard that your metabolism slows down and mps is reduced etc, does anybody know how long it roughly takes to get your body back into into a state of optimal MPS and optimal metabolism after going back into a surplus or even to maintenance?

I have lost 25lbs over the last 12 months, some of that has been yo yo ing up and down in weight, cutting hard then rebounding due to cutting to hard and cutting hard again which in hindsight was not the greatest way to do things but never the less i am very happy to be 25lbs down compared to where i was last year.

My problem now is i feel like i have been stuck for a while not stuck because i am not loosing weight while thinking i am in a deficit stuck because the motivation and burning desire i had to keep cutting is no where near as strong as it was when i started I have been trying to eat at maintenance for the past 3 weeks but have had a handful of cheat day's which is frustrating me as i never used to have a problem eating at maintenance before or with cheat day's prior to starting cutting last year but now its like hard to even eat at maintenance. I am wondering if my body needs a longer break or something, like a few months of either maintenance or a small surplus. The longest i have taken off cutting the past year is 5 weeks, other than that i had been yo yoing up and down every few weeks but with a steady trend of weight dropping.

Part of me says you need to be stronger and finish the cut but i just can't work out why the burning desire i had is simply not there even tho i want to finish cutting really bad. When i had that burning desire it was easy to cut, so easy i thought i could go even lower on calories which in hindsight was a mistake, At first i thought it was a motivation thing i am now beginning to wonder if its a physiological thing and i truly need an extended break but then i don't want to fool my self and use this as an excuse to stop, i am so confused i am getting annoyed with my self.

Does anybody have any information based on studies, or from things like blood work. test levels after cutting for a long time and how long it takes to get back to an optimal state after?

from Forums - Nutrition


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