So I am confused. I just recently started to get into bodybuilding. I am 6 ft 1inch and 185 lbs and 22 years old. A coworker of mine that is huge and is obsessed with bodybuilding was telling me all about bulking talking about how I am too skinny. A couple of my friends who go to the gym have said I am skrawny before. No one ever calls me fat, and I generally believe I am average as every woman I'm with tells me they love my body. But now I started going to the gym and doing a clean bulk as recommended by my coworker. I used a digital scale thing at the gym from the personal trainer I had. It said I am 30 percent bodyfat. Which is technically obese. This really suprises me because I dont consider myself fat, and I have been to the doctor recently and he said I'm healthy. Any tips guys? Should I bulk or cut? I wanna get big.
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