Cutting and being social

I'm a single guy, aged 30.

I know what needs to be done in order to cut as I've done it before by following a meal plan VERY STRICTLY, eating 6 meals a day 300-400 calories per meal of lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and a small amount of healthy carbs.

Other people are constantly inviting me out to eat and drink. Like, almost every single day, multiple times per day. At work we get free food but even still, my colleagues want to go out and get lunch and sometimes there's a good business purpose for it, dinner when boss is in town, dinner when other coworkers are in town, then when I finally get away from work, my friends want to go get a drink, dinner etc... I've gone like 3-4 weeks saying no to these requests, and it worked, I lost 15lbs... problem is, I was lonely and I never saw my friends because I already work my ass off and live alone.

I do have hobbies other than eating of course, so I can do that with friends, but say we go on a hike, then I've noticed everyone always wants to get dinner after, or for example, I go downtown for the day, well, we gotta eat at some point, etc...

TL;DR - How do you work being social with people in with your nutrition plan? I'm a social person but I don't want it to wreck my gains either... It's a constant struggle for me and as you can see by my join date, I'm not new to fitness either. I'm the type of guy who it's easier for me to go 100% healthy or 100% unhealthy but not somewhere in between where I like have 1 beer here and there.

from Forums - Nutrition

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