Can't eat enough to gain weight

I just turned 15 years old and I have been training for probably 1 year and 10 months or somewhere around there, i'm trying to bulk but I can't eat enough to gain. In school morning I have to wake up early and when I try to eat something even 1 banana, I will feel like I need to throw up for the next hour to hour and a half. I just can't eat early in the morning without feeling like I need to throw up really bad, I can eat in the weekends when I wake up at like 9-10. So I skip breakfast 5 times a week if I have school if it's not a summer break or something... Then at 10:40 or some days 11:40 we have lunch at school and I don't like school's food that much so I don't eat that much of it, there is sometimes great food but not always. So before I won't get to home after school I won't eat much so I don't get enough calories to get on a surplus. If I get to home at 15:00 I will eat right away and then next time I eat will be at 17:30 or 18:00 then last meal at 20:00 or 20:30-21:00. I get calories a great amount at home but before I don't get to home usually 14:00-15:00 depends on the day, I don't get much calories. I try to eat big meals at home to get a lot of calories and I drink milk with the meals. One thing I saw that could help me is take couple spoons of olive oil before bed or sometime in the day. That would give me somewhere around 500-800 calories depends how much I drink it.

from Forums - Nutrition

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