Macros, Spillover and Calories

Can we answer the question how much of or what percent of our macros is necessary to reach our daily nutritional goal before the rest is really about calories (eating foods that agree with us)? Meaning we have our daily recommended intake to stay alive and for health. Then we have our goals of getting lean and or building muscle (Which the macros people associate with). You take that into consideration when considering diet philosophies and foods that agree with us. I am really starting to think that as long as one is consistent, with everything ie training, sleeping and trying to adopt healthy habits/lifestyle and reduce risks, Macros are kinda over rated. I mean how much is our REGULATED body really sending to muscle? I think we will never know these answers due to genetics but...maybe there is something that maybe if a food(opting for healthy and natural vs like candy and junk) agrees with you wouldnt that food have a greater affinity to working with your body? Are we any closer to understanding all this even with Intermittent Fasting? Probably No but Thanks!

from Forums - Nutrition

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