How to stick to clean diet

I've been trying to eat well for several months. The problem, however, is that I come from a traditional, southern, country family which means that I don't have options when I am at home or at church (which I work at by the way). I am young and single, so folks take offense when I don't take them up on food offers.
For example, I go home to Alabama and am force fed sweets and fried foods. Anyone with rural grandparents knows how it goes. You don't have a choice. Then, they send me packing with juk food for the 6 hour trip back to Savannah, Ga where I work full-time at a church where folks are constantly trying to feed me the same junk food.
I'm obviously a big pushover and need to work on will-power and self-control when it comes to food and the very sweet people that are offering it - primarily traditional southern cuisine and (chocolate) baked goods. Anyone have any (polite) remedies to this (seemingly) simple issue? I would be greatly appreciative.
I generally meal prep once or twice a week with chicken breasts, rice, eggs, and some kind of green vegetable, but folks just don't understand why a young bachelor would turn down free (homecooked) food even when I try to explain that I am trying to eat clean to what my fat/protien/whatever else intake as well as helping clear up acne-prone skin... I'm not juicing, I'm just naturally oily. I don't have the first clue as to whom to talk to about that kind of thing, and I workout at home so I don't see competetive lifters at the gym that could even tell me about it.
Any helpful, non-sarcastic suggestions?

from Forums - Nutrition

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