Protein Absorption from Liquid Form - How Much?

Hi Guys

I've been lifting for about 3 years, but have decided to take it a bit more seriously in terms of diet recently.

I've worked out my macros, and decided i need a hell of a lot more protein as i'm training hard but barely making any gains.

I upped my protein shakes, as this is usually a good start, 2 scoops per shake, about 20g per scoop, so that's 40g per serving, in 500 ml water.

GF is a nurse, and says that the body can only take in nutrients from 125ml of fluid at a time (experience from how they feed patients on the wards) - so 375ml of protein filled water is being wasted - so she's suggested lots of protein "shots" - smaller amounts more often.

I'm fairly sure this is not correct, as most guys with good bodies have been downing protein packed shakes for years, and with a google search there's barely any evidence to back up her theory. I'm thinking protein absorption and feeding a sick guy liquid nutrients are completely different things.

Does anyone have any actual science to prove, or disprove what she's saying? Am i best to go 2 shakes a day with 2 scoops in each, 4 shakes with 1 scoop, or several smaller amounts of fluid with higher protein amount? Does protein from a liquid source differ from a solid in terms of absorption? How can i maximise the amount of protein i'm taking in from my shakes?

from Forums - Nutrition


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