Nutrition/Workout Help. Need Advice.

I been doing The Viking's Bare Bones series for about 12 weeks now. The 3 day a week one and it's not so bad. The only problem is I dont feel like I am progressing much in strength. For example, my bench press at the moment is 155 under the program's numbers. It really doesn't move more than that under ANY routine. Sure I can slightly do 160/165 but probably 3x3 only. The point is no workout routine is helping me gain strength/size.

I used to eat as close to clean as possible (before The Vikiing and even after the Viking) and nothing changes. I can't get past the hump. I tried a slightly more aggressive dirty bulk and of course nothing changes. If anything I gain slightly more love handles.

I don't think its the routines that are bad. I tried ICE CREAM, 5x5, Fierce 5 and The Viking all in 2-3 years time and nothing. I'm still the same 6'1 160-175 (weight depends on if I am bulking/cutting).

I eat 2500 calories a day with about 160 protein/300 carbs/65 fat (around that range).

My form is not the issue either. I always been skinny my whole life and only started working out 4 years ago. Always been weak. I'm not trying to be Brock Lesnar in size and strength, but my goal is to turn my skinny arms into thicker arms and able to bench slightly more than my body weight without hesitation. 6 Packs would be ideal, but at this point to me its more about size and strength without gaining an absurd amount of weight/fat.

Any guidance would help. Should I try AllPro? Stick to The Viking? Change my diet. Take some supplement. Please let me know.

from Forums - Nutrition

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