Nutrition and Fitness Courses

Hi, so I am new to the site and (technically) new to Nutrition and Fitness Courses, so please bear with me should my questions seem a bit obvious.

So, I am currently in the ITEC course for an Award in Nutrition for Physical Activities Level 3. Now, my real goal is not become a Fully certified Nutritionist (as I am aware you need a degree for this from University and after 5 years studying Accounts & ACCA, I'm really done with degrees) but more of a Nutritional Consultant/ Adviser who will be able to guide my (gym) clients to healthier options to eat plus creating a meal program which they can follow depending on their goal. Also, I am applying for a course to become a PT with Biocare Academy accredited by The Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) at Level 3 Diploma.

I come from EU so am only interested in Courses that provide International Certificates. I have looked into multiple sites offering Online Courses (again, where I come from the only two options are a degree in University or this "Award"/ Diploma which I found almost by accident).

The sites I have come across with a "not-so-bad" review history are the following : ACE - will need to complete an actual NCCA or an (ICHWC) Accredited course before I can actually take a Specialist course, NASM, ISSA and NESTA.

I need some help as to which one you would personally recommend with regards to (ACE, NASM, ISSA, NESTA) and which courses you'd recommend for NCCA and/ or ICHWC.

I know I am asking for a lot here but I have been researching for 2 weeks and cannot seem to find a clear cut answer as to which would a) take me further than my diplomas and b) that I feel comfortable is legit enough to make the money and time I spend worthwhile.

Money is not really a problem as I saved up for whatever course I may need in this field but seriously need some guidance!

Help is truly appreciated!

Thanks !

from Forums - Nutrition

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