I'm going to start my first ever "Proper" bulk

Hi all,

Just looking for some advice from experience.

Background - 35year/old , I've been lifting weight for years! However, have never really gotten into it well. Intermittent and poor diet etc. Last year I did an incredibly dirty bulk and just got fat, like 30%bf. However, I'm now almost at the end of a 8month cut. In a about a month I'll be 152lbs and approx 12%bf. Which I think is a really good place to start a fresh!

I'm reasonably strong for my weight, in that I currently do 3 full 8rep sets of dumbell press of 165lbs (total), so above body weight. So I'd say I'm definitely not a beginner in terms of strength and experience in the gym, but I am quite small, and have never really applied a good diet to my weights routines.

Diet - I've REALLY worked on my diet, I have spreadsheets tracking everything. I've determined my TDEE is about 2500-2700kcal/day. Going forward I'm aiming for about 0.9gr/lb protein , 100gr fat and try to get >20gr of saturated fat (eggs and whole milk), and the rest carbs.

Routine - I do 4x 45min sessions. I've based it on the principle of the fierce 5 routine. Compound lifts, getting 2 days rest between muscle etc. The reason I don't just do the fierce 5 is that I have some bad joints (knee and elbows), so have to improvise a little, plus with family it suits me better to get in and out of the gym reasonably quickly. Is 4 x 45min sessions ok? vs 3 x 1 hour? Much of same I think...

Plan - Once I'm at my target BF and weight, I'm trying to figure out what the best rate of weight gain will be most efficient???
I've read that a "Beginner" can gain 1-1.5% body weight of muscle a month. AND that you will gain equal parts fat and muscle.

I never plan on getting fat again, and want to stay below 15% from here on. I've heard of some people being able to put on almost exclusively muscle with very little fat? Is this just a matter of bulking really slowly?

Anyway, I'm going to shoot for 1% x 150lb x 2 = 3lb per month (about a 300-350 cal surplus per day). I'm assuming that half of this gain will be fat? At my weight and somewhat beginner status, should I be more aggressive? Or does it sound like I have a good plan of attack?

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2LjfH0O


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