Hi everyone,
Thanks for paying attention to my post. I'm a 28 year old woman who has been working out since 2 years ago. To sum up my story, I'm 172 height and my weight was 240 pounds 2 years ago. I started dieting and exercising (functional training) and I lost 100 pounds). But I did it wrongly since I was eating too little. So I didn't get muscle tone. And that's my real problem. I have flaccid muscles on my legs and arms. I'm currently weighting 64 kg. I have just started going to the gym (2 weeks only). I have created a routine according to my schedule.
Mondays: triceps, shoulders and chest.
Tuesdays: core ( at home)
Wednesdays: legs + glutes
Thursdays: biceps and back
Fridays: Rest
Saturday: legs + glutes + calves
Sunday: Rest
**I always do 20 minutes of jogging before lifting. Hiit... 1 minutes as fast as I can, 1 minute slow pace. **
I'm a very disciplined person. I like to have a plan and follow it as much as I can. I'm currently counting my macros. I have hired an online trainer who tells me what to eat. The problem is I don't want to continue paying more and more. I would like to learn how to know what amount of protein, carbs and fats is what my body needs. I think it is crucial to learn this since I have a meal plan but I don't want my whole life just eat what my trainer writes down there since it is too limited. Always pineapple, watermelon or melon. And what if I want to eat a preach or banana, I think maybe the portion can be less but I can still eat it. Why just to eat rice or potatoes.. what if I want some quinoa, oats or any other source of carbs. I don't know if I can express my idea guys. It's not that I'm a cheap person or I don't appreciate what a trainer does. His knowledge is priceless but I also think how long I should be paying for someone who makes my meal plans, my whole life? Because I won't have any idea about what to eat.
The main problem is that on the Internet there are wide amount of information. I have watched thousand of videos. I have read books, articles, magazines, etc. People recommend pages that with some sort of personal information, they tell you the amount of calories that our body needs and also they can calculate a deficit to shred or a increase if we want to gain muscle. All those things I'm tired of listening because I already know that. But what the real problem is how to divide those calories in the right way regarding to macronutrients. I also know protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram and fats 9. There are many videos about how to divide those calories into your macros. But how can I know is that way the right for me?
For example, I'm currently eating something like this:
Meal 1: 2 eggs scramble with vegetables, 1 slice of bread and some peanut butter.
Meal 2: 120gr of meat and vegetables
Meal 3: a bowl of watermelon
Meal 4: 120gr of meat and vegetables
Meal 5: 120gr of meat and vegetables
Meal 6: 100 gr of 120gr of meat and vegetables.
**Meat can be steak, chicken breast or fish.
I just don't know if I'm doing well and I just have to be patience.
Please, if you can recommend me an article, book, video, any kind of help or guide, I will be so much grateful.
Thanks guys
Thanks for paying attention to my post. I'm a 28 year old woman who has been working out since 2 years ago. To sum up my story, I'm 172 height and my weight was 240 pounds 2 years ago. I started dieting and exercising (functional training) and I lost 100 pounds). But I did it wrongly since I was eating too little. So I didn't get muscle tone. And that's my real problem. I have flaccid muscles on my legs and arms. I'm currently weighting 64 kg. I have just started going to the gym (2 weeks only). I have created a routine according to my schedule.
Mondays: triceps, shoulders and chest.
Tuesdays: core ( at home)
Wednesdays: legs + glutes
Thursdays: biceps and back
Fridays: Rest
Saturday: legs + glutes + calves
Sunday: Rest
**I always do 20 minutes of jogging before lifting. Hiit... 1 minutes as fast as I can, 1 minute slow pace. **
I'm a very disciplined person. I like to have a plan and follow it as much as I can. I'm currently counting my macros. I have hired an online trainer who tells me what to eat. The problem is I don't want to continue paying more and more. I would like to learn how to know what amount of protein, carbs and fats is what my body needs. I think it is crucial to learn this since I have a meal plan but I don't want my whole life just eat what my trainer writes down there since it is too limited. Always pineapple, watermelon or melon. And what if I want to eat a preach or banana, I think maybe the portion can be less but I can still eat it. Why just to eat rice or potatoes.. what if I want some quinoa, oats or any other source of carbs. I don't know if I can express my idea guys. It's not that I'm a cheap person or I don't appreciate what a trainer does. His knowledge is priceless but I also think how long I should be paying for someone who makes my meal plans, my whole life? Because I won't have any idea about what to eat.
The main problem is that on the Internet there are wide amount of information. I have watched thousand of videos. I have read books, articles, magazines, etc. People recommend pages that with some sort of personal information, they tell you the amount of calories that our body needs and also they can calculate a deficit to shred or a increase if we want to gain muscle. All those things I'm tired of listening because I already know that. But what the real problem is how to divide those calories in the right way regarding to macronutrients. I also know protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram and fats 9. There are many videos about how to divide those calories into your macros. But how can I know is that way the right for me?
For example, I'm currently eating something like this:
Meal 1: 2 eggs scramble with vegetables, 1 slice of bread and some peanut butter.
Meal 2: 120gr of meat and vegetables
Meal 3: a bowl of watermelon
Meal 4: 120gr of meat and vegetables
Meal 5: 120gr of meat and vegetables
Meal 6: 100 gr of 120gr of meat and vegetables.
**Meat can be steak, chicken breast or fish.
I just don't know if I'm doing well and I just have to be patience.
Please, if you can recommend me an article, book, video, any kind of help or guide, I will be so much grateful.
Thanks guys
from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2Bq3KH1
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