Am I eating enough if my lifts are going up each week?

Im 6'2 and weigh 88kg
I've been going to the gym on and off for just over 2 years but now I want to get serious about it. I'm eating 3100 calories of clean food, 220 grams of protein and enough carbs. If my lifts improve each week does that mean I'm eating enough? I have a full time job and eating my 5 meals a day is difficult as it is as I don't have long to eat them.
I've bulked before 4000 cals a day but never had nearly enough protein which I wasted a lot of time on, being a lazy f*k ect.
The question is the title of the post, Thanks.
Ps I'm 23 not 48 years old will change soon

from Forums - Nutrition

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