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Eros Prime Keto *https faqssupplement com/eros-prime-keto/*

Eros Prime Keto

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: World Pasta 5

Below are 10 World Pastas.

Please choose up to 6 that you like:

Asparagus Beef Lo Mein

Beef Burgundy Noodles

Garden Vegetable Primavera

Lemon Pasta & Spinach

Orzo Chicken & Cucumber

from Forums - Nutrition

Chicken breast V chicken breast mince

Okay so this is probably so dumb, but I’ve noticed that when I eat 100g chicken breast mince 2x a day I get a better result with weight loss than I do eating 100g chicken breast 2x a day. I’ve tested it eating the exact same quantity of vegetables I have with both types and I always get the best result with mince. Is this a thing??

from Forums - Nutrition

People Who Use Dating Apps More Likely To Have Eating Disorders: Harvard Study

A new study by Harvard researchers, has now pointed at a new culprit that may have a link with eating disorders- dating applications.

from NDTV Food - Latest

High Protein Diet: 5 Fun Ways To Make Your Summer Diet Rich In Protein

Here are some cool and yummy ways in which you can up your protein intake this summer.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Hacks: 2 Easy Tips To Adjust Salt In Your Curries! (Watch Video)

YouTube chef Ananya Banerjee shows us two easy tricks involving simple kitchen ingredients- wheat flour dough and potato mash!

from NDTV Food - Latest

5 Best Kabuli Chana Recipes To Try At Home: Kabuli Chana, Bread Chana Basket, Kushari & More

Kabuli Chana Recipes: Find here a list of interesting kabuli chana (chickpea) recipes, from kushari, chana kulcha to kabulil pulao. We have got it all along with key ingredients and a step by step...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Abs and diet

So I mainly eat these things,

Pancakes, eggs, grapes, pineapples in the morning sometimes bananas. Afternoon for lunch mainly salmon, rice, and vegetables. For dinner I eat salmon or chicken with rice and vegetables. Side things i eat are a lot of almonds, water, pineapples, drink pineapple juice, etc. and of course Oreos I know they’re high in sugar and fat but I can’t stop eating them lol but I’m trying to figure out does your abs suppose to show without you flexing? I’m only 5’5 weigh 139 and they show great when I flex and sometimes do other things that activates that area like jump or laugh and etc, so is it possible I have a little extra fat on my stomach or? Because I doubt it’s fat but I guess i should work out certain areas to make them show more? Any advice?

from Forums - Nutrition

High Blood Pressure Diet: Here's Why You Should Eat Melons To Keep Your BP in Check

Including potassium in your diet may help negate the ill-effects of sodium and watermelons, muskmelon and honeydew melons are profuse with potassium.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Moringa Tea: Fat Loss, BP Control And More Incredible Benefits Of The Drink

Moringa tea is just one drink that this superfood craze has spawned. The tea that is prepared from the leaves of moringa or drumstick tree is now a popular beverage.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Early morning workout. What kind of carbs?

Is it better to have oatmeal before an early morning workout or would just a banana be fine (with protein of course, but I'm just wondering what kind of carbs)? I've been having eggs and oatmeal before and whey and dextrose after. But would sugary carbs be better before and whole grain carbs be better after? I workout hard for about an hour at about 5:00 am. I'm 5'5 145 lbs, could use a little more muscle but not trying to add any fat

from Forums - Nutrition

Eat This Low-Cal Fruit Every Day For Good Heart Health

A recently conducted study states that eating a cup of blueberries every day boosts cardiovascular health.

from NDTV Food - Latest

This High-Protein, Low-Cal Quinoa Fruit Salad Is All You Need To Shed Quick Kilos

Spring Quinoa Fruit Salad is an interesting quinoa salad recipe, which is shared by famous vlogger Manjula Jain on her YouTube channel. This quinoa salad fits perfectly in any weight loss diet plan....

from NDTV Food - Latest

Diabetes Diet: This Almond Granola Is A Super Easy Snack You Can Add To Your Diet

Diabetes is a condition where your body is either not producing enough insulin or is not responding to the insulin produced.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Food Diary Apps

Hi guys,

I've been using MyFitnessPal to track my food for about 4 years now. But as I'm getting more serious with my training and reading more about nutrition science, I notice that MyFitnessPal gets a lot of flack from more advanced lifters and the more scientific community. The main two reasons from my reading are 1. It counts all macros equally (I.E. Protein as protein regardless of the quality of that protein) and 2. Because it doesn't TEACH people anything, it's just a log.

So I have two questions please!
1. Are there any other reasons to avoid MyFitnessPal?
2. Most importantly, can you recommend any better apps which address those problems?

Thanks in advance, Emma.

from Forums - Nutrition

I am drinking half a gallon of skim milk a day. Is it safe?

Long story short, I have been fighting stomache ulcer symptoms for the past 6 months. Braum's Skim milk has been my go to for calories and protein since it is easy on my stomache. The milk has 13g protein and 18g sugar per 8 oz.

I have been drinking half a gallon of skim milk for 2 months straight now, but I am starting to think about the possible effects it could have on my health in the future if I continue. So I am curious, how bad is it really to be drinking half a gallon of milk a day?

from Forums - Nutrition

Make Sugar-Free, Preservative-Free Jam At Home Mausambi (Sweet Lime)

Summer is the best time to make this jam as mausambi is available during this season, so you can make the jam without adding any artificial preservatives

from NDTV Food - Latest

#Review: Leela Ambience Brings True Flavours Of Thailand At Thai Food Festival

Here's a great opportunity for Thai food lovers to experience the authentic flavours of the cuisine, right here in Gurugram.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Macro adjustments when increasing HIIT

Hi there,

I have been on a calorie deficits for 4 months and naturally not seeing significant gains in mass. Granted I lost a good amount of body fat. However, I feel flat most of the time and my work outs have suffered.

I want to tighten up, which I guess is a bodyfat issue, but I don't want to look emaciated.

I am 144 pounds (down from around 155 when I started the diet for months ago).
I eat approx 150 / 160 grams protein a day and play with fats and carbs (High carb of around 200/250 grams carbs for two or three days a week, then below 100 for the others, wherein fat increases). I usually aim for around 1,900-2,000 cal a day. Would this be enough to start gaining? (While on the 'cut' I capped total cal at around 1,400-1,600).

I want to start doing more HIIT just to rev up the fat burning but I don't want to end up burning muscle. I currently lift 4 - 5 days a week, and do HIIT or LIIT twice a week

I posted a recent picture. I am 5'8 and 26 years old.

Any tips would be appreciated!
Attached Images

from Forums - Nutrition

Increased appetite on a slow lean bulk :(

I’m on a very slow bulk since I wanna gain muscle without gaining too much fat and sorta still somewhat intuitively eat with the mindset of making sure I eat enough without going overboard. Ideally I’d like to be in a 100-200 calorie surplus Max. However I’m finding that to be hard when my appetite has increased a decent amount. I used to eat around 2200-2400 but now it seems I need closer to 2800 to feel satiated and like I ate enough, which is more of a surplus than I need. Anyone else going through this? Any tips/advice? (I’m a female)

from Forums - Nutrition

Stuck at 15% and getting headaches when I reduce calories

Currently I'm at about 15% body fat and I work out about 6x/week. I'm 46 year's old.
8 months ago I was at about 20% body fat and I've been increasing muscle and lowering my body fat level consistently until about 2-3 months ago. For the past 2-3 months I've been holding at about 157-159lbs with the same body fat percentage. I take the body fat measurements from a scale and, while I know this is not the most accurate reading, it has been consistent. Plus my body makeup (based on photos and what I look like in the mirror) has changed very little in the past 2-3 months.

Over the past month, I've tried to reduce calories. When I eat less though, I often get headaches throughout the day. It feels as though I'm stuck at my current weight and body fat % and cannot make progress without "starving" myself. I have a few thoughts which I've noted below and would welcome any advice.

First - I don't think it's about water. I drink a lot of water throughout the day. I drink and absolute minimum of 1 gallon of water each day and usually it's more than 1.5 gallons.

Second - could it be that I'm not scheduling my meals at close enough intervals. This is a little difficult to do as I have a job where I go 4-5 hours without being able to eat a real meal only small snacks.

Third - Maybe I require a more accurate calorie count of my day. I hover around 3000 calories and while I'm very strict with the foods I eat, I am not strict with calorie counting.

Fourth - Maybe it's just impossible for me to get below 15% with my current workout. Several years ago I was at about 10-11% which is ideal, but I was doing a lot of cardio, close to 5 hours a week, and weighed close to 140lbs. I do not have the time for so much cardio now and I hate to think it's impossible for me to get below 15% without it.

I figure there's got to be something I'm missing. If anyone has been in this situation or has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

from Forums - Nutrition

HC asks J&J to pay Rs 25 L to 67 patients who had revision surgery for faulty hip implants

The court's direction came after the company said it has verified that these patients have undergone revision surgery and it was voluntarily paying them Rs 25 lakh as compensation.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Punjab To Ban Online Food Without Hygiene Rating

The decision was taken under the 'Tandarust Punjab Mission'.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Natco, Onyx settle cancer drug patent litigation

The Indian generic drug maker had partnered with Breckenridge Pharmaceutical for marketing its Carfilzomib injection in the US market.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Counting calories vs Keto

Hello I would like to know which do you all feel is more effective and sustainable?

Counting calories or Keto

I’m currently 265, about 5’5, female and 26 years old. trying to drop 60 as a first goal.

from Forums - Nutrition

Red Tea Detox

Hey I have been really trying to lose weight especially my belly. Lots of people I know have recommended this product to me and have seen effective results. I have tried lots of other products and workout programs and have not seen any effective result. please what do you think about it?

from Forums - Nutrition

How important is diet?

So I am in high school and all my friends eat the school lunch (pizza, cheeseburgers, calzones, etc) and they go to the gym like 2-3 times a week, don't follow a proper workout or nutrition plan, but still manage to get big. I on the other hand have been following a strict diet for the past 1.5 years. I know all my calories and macros. I follow a proven strength program. But how come I am not bigger or stronger than my friends who just do and eat whatever they want? It doesn't make sense. Can someone explain for me?

from Forums - Nutrition

Nachos "Vehicle" alternatives

I am a huge fan of nachos, but not a big fan of the calories and carbs involved in tortilla chips as the vehicle for getting all of the "good stuff" in my mouth. I don't *avoid* carbs per se, but I also don't seek them out. I never get a protein style burger, or skip the tortilla with a taco, and love pizza, but would much rather have something lower in calories if possible when eating a 2500 calorie plate of nachos. I tried zucchini this weekend, which was a limp failure. Also not into the cheese chips, which become super flimsy after a few minutes in. Any recommendations?

A friend mentioned he used used wedges of bell peppers as chips, which I'll be trying this weekend, but open to any suggestions. I crave fat and protein, just trying to lower overall calories when I've already packed on tons of meat, cheese, beans, guacamole, sour cream, etc. My last batch crept up on 1900 calories, and a large chunk of it was the tortilla chips.

from Forums - Nutrition

Any advice on modifying my diet?

I'm 16 years old, male, 6"1', and 165lbs with a low body fat.

I'm looking to bulk right now, and am increasing my calorie intake accordingly. Does anyone have any advice on modifying my diet? (not enough of one type of nutrient, change the times at which I'm having these meals, etc.

Hour 1:
37 carbs 39 protein

Hour: 4
2 bread
30 carbs 28 protein

Hour 6
Whey shake (consumed half right before, half right after workout)
42 carbs 40 protein

Workout for 1:30 min. Eat right when I get back.

Hour 8
White rice
46 carbs 5 protein

Hour 11
Beef jerky
68 carbs 38 protein

Hour 15
56 carbs 34 protein

from Forums - Nutrition

almonds are good?

Right now I'm trying to avoid protein shakes so I am eating some high protein yoghurt (80kcal, 14g proteins) as breakfast and I throw in about 30g of almonds to add some taste and some extra proteins and I drink a glass of milk. Now I'm wondering if those almonds are a good idea because they're actually quite high in fats (15g fats, 13.6 unsaturated, and 8g proteins) and I'm already drinking milk which has some fats as well...

Should I skip the almonds or not?

from Forums - Nutrition

Lupin's Goa facility may face regulatory action, says USFDA

The USFDA has stated that it may withhold approval of any pending applications or supplements in which this facility is listed," it added.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Doctor liable for acts of his team assisting in rendering treatment, says NCDRC

NCDRC held the hospital and the treating doctors guilty of medical negligence and said that they were liable for the death of the three-year-old girl who was suffering from blood cancer.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Going from Cut to Bulk

Hi guys,

I'm approaching the end of my cut (will finish it in July) and had a question about planning my diet for when I bulk.

Some background. I've been cutting since the end of March (properly anyway - before that I was 'dieting' but having to many cheat meals/snack etc.) and have lost 12lb in the 9 weeks since then. By the time I finish the cut I expect to be 154lb and around 10-12% BF. I'm 5'8.

I estimate my maintenance calories to be 2400-2600 and have been eating 1800-1900 calories a day (Monday to Thursday - Friday evening/weekends I have 'off' as long as I don't go over 2400 calories).

For my bulk, I'm planning on starting at 2900 calories, with the hope of putting on 2-3lb a month.

When putting my meal plan together to get to that 2900 calories, I've had room to put in what would be considered unhealthy meals/snack.

For example, one day I might have a pizza as one of my meals, another I might have French fries and ice cream, another day I might have a big bowl of pasta carbonara or a fry up etc. Plus I have put in to have a Snickers chocolate bar on several of the days.

Most of the other stuff I'd be eating would be healthy (chicken, fish, fruit, veg etc.) and my macros would be reasonable (Protein 1.3-1.5g per lb, Fat 0.6-0.7g per lb), so does it matter that I'd be eating some 'unhealthy' stuff each day? Or is it just a case of IIFYM? I want to put on weight while staying as lean as possible (who doesn't!).


from Forums - Nutrition

Another cut or bulk question... opinion please

Hi guys,

Would really appreciate your opinion. I’ve been cutting for a while now, currently at around 156lb down from 245lb (quite a long time ago). Spent a long time around 175lb in between.

Eating around 1700-1900kcal 160gP/150gC/60gF approx

TDEE 2300, lift 4-5 t8mes per week

Losing a lot of strength in gym and obviously lack muscle mass. Starting to really see some progress with fat loss, can start to see abs and lower pecs in the very best light and mirror conditions (by no means am I saying I have abs or pecs!)

Should I continue to cut to get leaner before going to a lean bulk at maintenance. Or start now? It will deffo be a lean bulk, I’ve been chubby forever. So will struggle to purposefully put on weight. Mindset wise.

I’ve been stuck with same body composition for a long time. Stuck in the middle of cutting then bulking constantly. So want to do it properly this time, hence why I’m willing to continue the cut to get properly lean even though I’m getting pretty small!

Goal is to look good not necessarily be the strongest.

Current lift
Bench 5x70kg
Squat 5x100kg
Dead 5x130kg

from Forums - Nutrition

Is this enough?

Hey im 16 177cm 173lbs, my tdee is 2400 cal for maintain and i want to have about 1800 cal for weightloss.
My meal plan:

1.Eggs 3
Whole weat bread 2
Apples 1

2.chicken breast 250g
Blackbeans 138g
Broccoli 6.4 oz

3.same as 2

Almonds 1oz
Tea 2x

Total: 1830cal 180g pro 150g carb 35g fat

Do yoy guys think its okay? Btw i will keep cheat meals to 0 or 1 time a week.

from Forums - Nutrition

Weight platue and current stage assessment

Hey Everyone I would like to say that I started eating healthier and going lifting from late February. My starting weight Was 123.5Kg my current weight is 98 kg attached is my diet for last 3 weeks and my last inbody scan 10 days ago (in case it might help there is a translation paper since it is written in Japanese). I have a few questions please bare with me because I am getting a bit disappointment beginning to lose motivation due to a lot slower results.
1- This has been my diet for the last while it started off fine but now it sort of doesn't work well and I feel like I should change something so I could use any plan or suggestions or criticism.
2- what kind of supplements should I be using I currently use Isopure zero Carb whey , should I add anything further like CLA , BCAA, l-carnitine, creatine, multivitamin etc what could be useful and how to arrange since I am on a budget so what comes first and what follows.

Furthermore any advice you feel like I might use is very much appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

Watch Recipe Video: How To Make Classic French Quiche, A Cheesy Snack Item You'll Love

Here, you can learn how to make authentic French Quiche Lorraine that sticks to the original essence of the dish, when it was created.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Mushroom Appetisers Recipe For The Next Party You Host

Mushroom is meaty in taste and mushy in texture and makes for a delicious pre-dinner snacking food.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Love Red Meat? Here's How You May Be Able To Consume It In A Healthy Way!

A new study has said that consuming red meats as part of a healthy diet may benefit us by reducing risks of multiple sclerosis (MS).

from NDTV Food - Latest

Gluten-Free Diet: Watch How To Make Gluten-Free Vegan Zucchini Pasta At Home

Famous vlogger Manjula Jain has shared an amazing recipe of gluten free vegan zucchini pasta on her YouTube channel. The recipe is not only gluten free but is also weight-loss-friendly.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Summer Diet: Mango Lassi Is Passé; Add These Fruits To Your Lassi This Summer!

Mango lassi is prepared by blending mango puree with the thick curd base and then adding the spices and sugar, per usual. Here are a few more fruit lassis that you can try this summer!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Authentic, Fresh and Flavourful, The Pasta Bowl Company's New Menu Is A Summery Surprise

The Pasta Bowl's latest summer menu is an exquisite potpourri of antipasti, pastas, fresh salads, garnishes, and a unique mix of innovative Italian dishes made with a hearty blend of Italian spices...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Diabetes Diet: This High-Fibre Desi Salad May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar In Check (See Video)

This carrot and moong salad could prove to be an ideal mid-meal snack for you if you happen to be a diabetic.

from NDTV Food - Latest

How To Remove Garlic Smell From Utensils And Your Hands After Cooking

The smell of garlic may end up sticking to everything it touched, including the chopping board, your hands, the knife, as well as any other utensils that you may have used.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Oatmeal May Not Be Good For Your Health - Here's Why

One of the superfoods, oatmeal is a very famous food among health conscious people and fitness enthusiasts, but there is something about oatmeal that makes it 'not-so-healthy' for us to consume. Read...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Jump, flip and land

Bounce around from spot-to-spot or try to make a slam dunk, all at the trampoline park

from The Hindu - Fitness

7 Spicy Snacks Recipes

Spicy Snacks Recipes: Find the best of spicy snacks recipes to try at home right here! From masala samosa, kachori to chilli chicken and chicken 65 along with key ingredients and a step by step...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Flaxseed Milk: Nutrition Facts About Non-Dairy Flax Milk And How To Make It At Home

Flaxseed milk or flax milk is a low-calorie low-fat alternative for dairy milks and it may be suited for people who are looking to ditch dairy products for any reason.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Protein powder: opinions

Hey guys!
I just wanted to know what are your opinions about protein powder.
Do any of you use them?
If yes, how many per day?

from Forums - Nutrition

Watch: This Pizza Paratha Stuffed With Cheese And Veggies Is A Fusion Of Our Favourite Flavou

Pizza paratha brings together the best of Punjabi and Italian world. Bursting with cheese, herbs and veggies, this paratha is a hit across ages.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: This Pizza Paratha Stuffed With Cheese And Veggies Is A Fusion Of Our Favourite Flavou

Pizza paratha brings together the best of Punjabi and Italian world. Bursting with cheese, herbs and veggies, this paratha is a hit across ages.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Taxes, Labelling Are Effective In Reducing Sugar Consumption

Taxes on sugary products and labels on the packages can help reduce sugar consumption, recent findings suggest.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Keto Diet For Vegetarians: Eat These Nutritious Vegan Foods For Weight Loss

There are plenty of plant-based foods that contain low amount of carbohydrates and also fulfil the requirements of proteins and fats.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Use Leftover Rice To Make Rice And Potato Cutlet

The combination of rice and potato goes really well in this meal, which is golden, crispy on the outside and soft and mushy inside

from NDTV Food - Latest

how bad is sugar in diet?

so i’ve been doing these workouts for a couple weeks, getting into working out and such. i’m only 16 and i’ve been tracking all my calories with fitness pal which is very helpful because it lets me know my carb and protein intake. my question is if i meet my carbs and protein, is the sugar aspect a big deal? i know i prolly shouldn’t have a lot of sugar but like a decent amount, not too much, is it okay?

from Forums - Nutrition

Eating more when sick?

Hey guys!

I’m battling a bit of cold/fluey virus at the moment! I’m eating just in a deficit and I’m wondering if I should be eating more on the days I’m sick? Or is that a wives tales that eating more helps fight sickness?


from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: World Pasta 3

10 World Pastas are below.

Please choose up to 4 that you like:

Asian Pork & Noodle Soup

Chicken Soba Noodle Toss

Greek Chicken Penne

Mediterranean Shrimp Linguini

Mediterranean Tuna Pasta Salad

from Forums - Nutrition

NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019

from Forums - Nutrition

At what weight will a 5 feet 10 guy stop looking skinny?

I’ve had to repost this thread because nobody is answering my other one.
Hypothetical answers for a guy who doesn’t train and a guy who does. So for example, the first guys weight would come purely from eating and the muscle he already has. Cheers guys!

from Forums - Nutrition

NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019
NBA Finals 2019

from Forums - Nutrition

Are these macros correct for my activity level?

Hi, yesterday i calculated my macros.
As a 5'11 154lbs 18 year old I came to these macros:

154 Protein
46 Fat
367 Carbs
Total of 2500 Calories

I go to the gym 4 times in the week and play table tennis for 1.5 hours 3 times a week.
Does these macros seem right?

from Forums - Nutrition

Should You Consume Caffeine During Summers? The Answer Will Surprise You!

Caffeine and caffeinated drinks are often blamed for dehydration and whether or not one can consume them during summers remains a common confusion among people.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Consuming Too Much Energy Drink May Increase The Risk Of Heart Abnormalities

Energy drinks may get you all pepped up; however, having them too much may increase your blood pressure levels and the risk of electrical disturbances in the heart, finds a recent study.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Vitamin A Foods: Uses, Benefits Of Vitamin A And Top 10 Dietary Sources

Vitamin A is one of the essential vitamins required by the body. Here's some important roles and benefits of vitamin A as well as top 10 foods rich in vitamin A.

from NDTV Food - Latest

How To Make Low-Fat, Healthy Dal Makhani Without Makhan And Cream

Here's a recipe of low-calorie, low-fat dal makhani, which offers almost the same rich flavour and taste sans butter and cream

from NDTV Food - Latest

This Summer Juice May Help Keep Your Blood Pressure Levels In Check

Fortunately, summer season comes loaded with a lot of fruits, veggies and herbs that can help manage blood pressure levels.

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Diet: How To Make Vegetarian Indian Thali Rich In Protein (Videos)

High Protein Diet: We all know that eating protein-rich foods keep us satiated for longer time and we eat less later. This vegetarian thali comprises all the food items that are not only rich in...

from NDTV Food - Latest

LOW income, HIGH metabolism - is there a solution?

Hey guys I am a skinny dude, at the current time there are circumstances which I'm working on that inhibit me from generating additional forms of income and I don't make very much money right now, on top of this I also have an extremely high metabolism and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a food I could possibly buy in bulk so I can start working out?

I doesn't matter if it's just one thing, or not very tasty, for me the point is gains, cheers.

Edit: One thing to add is that I'm VEGAN, not 100% though i.e. milk in bread dough/chocolate etc.

Yeah, I got alot going against me as you can see..

from Forums - Nutrition

Addressable market for e-pharmacies in India to reach $18.1 bn by 2023: EY

Besides, the increase in chronic diseases, rising per capita income and resultant healthcare spend will also aid to its growth.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

How to diet for body recomp

Hey how should you eat for a body recomp? ive heard about different diets. one says constant calorie deficit and hight protein intake another says maintance +15% on work out days and maintance -10% on off days.
all advice is appreciatet.
about me: 6'1, 163lbs, under a year of consistant training, about 18% bodyfat.

from Forums - Nutrition

5 Best Eggplant Recipes To Try At Home: From Caponata To Bagara Baingan & More!

Eggplant Recipes: Find here the best of eggplant (baingan) recipes that you can try at home. From bagara baingan, eggplant soup to the good old bharta, we've got it all with key ingredients and a step...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Kerala Kulluki Sarbath: Beat The Heat With This Spicy Lime Summer Cooler From Kerala

Lemonades are mostly sweet, but this sarbath is one delectable surprise from Kerala that you wouldn't want to miss!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Seaweeds May Help Manage Hypertension, Finds Study

A recent scientific breakthrough has come with a probable solution for combating hypertension

from NDTV Food - Latest

This Ramadan, Detox Both Your Health and Mind With These Foods

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body therefore it is advised to keep our bodies healthy, be it mentally, spiritually, emotionally or physically. Ramadan, the holy month is the perfect time to...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Ramadan 2019: Foods to Eat At Suhoor To Remain Hydrated And Energised

Ramadan is considered to be the holiest month in the religion of Islam. Muslims keep a fast from sunrise to sunset.This makes the first meal known as Suhoor, the most important meal of the day. What...

from NDTV Food - Latest

dieting is hard man

ive been trying to diet for a while now and i always seem to get distracted and fail either way i wont give up untill i make it. ive been doint intermittent fasting for over a week now and i can say that it works for me. my question is does vaping or nicotine break your fast and are energy drinks like white monster allowed or do they break your fast thanks a lot in advanced.

from Forums - Nutrition

Narendra Modi Swearing-In Ceremony Tomorrow: What Guests Will Be Served

The High Tea is going to consist of a menu that has a mix of popular Indian and Western snacks, finger foods and desserts, according to a media report.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Bulk, Cut or Maintain

Hey Guys,

as the title says, I'm wondering if I should continue my cut, eat at maintenance or start (lean) bulking

about me: I'm 180cm @82.5kg, started cutting and lifting in November and went down from 105.5 since then. I lift 3-4 times a week, following a 5x5 workout (Reg Park's 5x5 to be specific)
Pics of me atm can be found in my profile

thanks for your help :)

from Forums - Nutrition

Watch Recipe: High-Protein Cheesy Eggs Pepper Sandwich For Kids

Here's an amazing recipe of a sandwich made with eggs. Eggs, as we all know, are chock-full of nutrients and everything good.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Eating Fruits And Green Leafy Veggies May Prevent Heart Disease And Obesity In Men

The study found that the benefits of vegetarian diets are much greater for men than women.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Drink Vanilla Ice-Cream Soda To Feel The Chill In This Hot Weather. Recipe Inside

Ice-cream infused in chilled soft drink or any other cold beverage amps up the cool factor and satisfies our thirst, especially in a hot climate

from NDTV Food - Latest

Now, medi-clowning is career option

Founded in 2014 by Fernandes and Hamish Boyd (therapeutic clowns from Canada), the Auroville societyregistered MeDi Clown believes the FASMC is the first step to scale the model around this “distraction therapy”.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Low energy and irritable mood after lunch

I've recently noticed that food could be the cause of my low energy/depressed state that hits around 2pm almost everyday like clockwork. About two weeks ago I noticed that it always happens after I eat, so I've dialed back my portions and have been sticking to low-carb/light lunches like salads. I do drink enough water.

I also have a slight case of gyno that hurts a bit after I eat. I notice a little, albeit very slight, pain in my chest after I eat around the nipple area on both pecs. Sometimes its more extreme than others.

If I don't eat for a majority of the day, I actually have a ton of energy.

I'm getting my bloodwork/hormones checked tomorrow at 4pm but wanted to post here as I have no idea what to really ask or what it could be.


from Forums - Nutrition

Finding out how many calories I burn every hour for 24 hours?

IF I take my TDEE and divide it by 24 will that be how much calories I burn every hour? Do we burn calories at a steady rate or it has some major peaks and lows?

from Forums - Nutrition

What kind of macros in my surplus

I am doing a lean bulk and my macros are
When making my surplus I added 250 calories to my maintenance to get 3150. These added calories came all from carbs. I prefer a higher protein diet than this because I like to eat meat at every meal or some sort of protein source as well as pre and orpost workout shake and a casein shake at night. Would I be able to change some of my added carbs to protein and still gain muscle because of the surplus? Or should I stay strictly with the added carbs. I weigh 175lbs, 6’2, 16 years old.

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: World Pasta 2

Below are 8 World Pastas.

Please choose up to 4 that you like:

Cajun Chicken Penne

Chicken Egg Noodle Casserole

Ginger Sesame Soba Noodles

Noodle Pudding

Pork Ramen Stir Fry

Sesame Chicken Noodle Salad

Shrimp Scampi Fettuccini

Summer Carbonara

from Forums - Nutrition

Complicated Nutrition Question

Moving this from other section. Please forgive to anyone who has already read it.

I'm still having trouble getting a nutrition plan together after reading the sticky thread. Can I get a few opinions for what I've come up with?

Background: 42, male, 6'3", swimmers body, 205 pounds (down from 235 last year while gaining muscle). 18% body fat (down from maybe 26% last year). Computer job (sitting all day)

Weekly Exercise: Gym twice a week (1.5hr intense basketball and 45 mins lifting each trip to the gym), active on weekends (hiking, yard work, roller skating, swimming). I burn 2400 cals on normal days, 3300 on workout days, and 3000 per day on the weekend for an average of 2750 cals per day.

Goal: Get to 16% body fat while not losing muscle. Then keep at 16% while building muscle.

Using Web Diet Calculator:
(1) Cut to 16%: CARBS: 169 G PER DAY, PROTEIN: 169 G PER DAY, FATS: 37 G PER DAY, Calories from Carbs/Protein/Fat: 1700, Calories from other things: 650 (total Calories = 400 less than I burn)
(2) Maintain 16% and bulk (I took the average of maintain and bulk from the calculator): CARBS: 265 G PER DAY, PROTEIN: 175 G PER DAY, FATS: 60 G PER DAY, Calories from Carbs/Protein/Fat: 2300, Calories from other things: 450 (total Calories = what I burn)

Using Sticky Thread Guidance:
(1) Cut to 16%: CARBS: 243 G PER DAY, PROTEIN: 160 G PER DAY, FATS: 82 G PER DAY, Calories from Carbs/Protein/Fat: 2350, Calories from other things: 0 (total Calories = 400 less than I burn)
(2) Maintain 16% and bulk: CARBS: 310 G PER DAY, PROTEIN: 175 G PER DAY, FATS: 90 G PER DAY, Calories from Carbs/Protein/Fat: 2750, Calories from other things: 0 (total Calories = what I burn)

The biggest difference between the sticky thread and the calculator seems to be the amount of fat.

Raw data from calculator:
I used lightly active (moderate exercise with sedentary job)
Used this to get calories per g: 1 Protein = 4g cals, 1g Fat = 9 cals, 1g carb = 4 cals


from Forums - Nutrition

Transitioning to maintenance calories...

So my weight loss journey has come to an end, deliberately overshooting my goal weight by about five pounds so as to give myself a bit of breathing room, and I absolutely cannot wait to get out of this deficit. I've been eating at around 1800 a day for the past several months, with my maintenance requirements being around 2400, so I've got 600 to add.

How gradual does this process have to be? I've seen most people suggest something along the likes of 150 per week until you get to where you need to be so as to give your metabolism time to adapt, with others- like Lyle McDonald- rejecting this idea of prolonged 'reverse dieting' as unnecessary, counter productive, and something that you can pull off in a few days.

Obviously I like this idea better, as the idea of another month in a deficit, weight, measuring, and calculating, doesn't sound like a good time. What would happen if I suddenly transition to maintenance from a deficit like this?

from Forums - Nutrition

Noob Lifter , Counting Macros - Must?

I'm fairly new to lifting but basically I want to work hard in the gym and eat a clean diet to build muscle mass.

Is it absolutely necessary to count macros for the sake of building mass? Or can this be done by eating regularly, clean, and healthy.

My current diet is currently as follows:


8-12 eggs + Rice + blueberries

midday Smoothie with Protein (1-2 scoops)

Lunch - Sandwich or Burger

After Lunch Snack - Banana or nuts

Dinners - Steak + Vegetables

Before Bed: cottage cheese

I've been running this for a bit and doing fairly high volume at the gym. How long can I get away with a routine like this?

Thanks for insights

from Forums - Nutrition

Question concerning the digestion of dietary fats in nuts

So I've read that a good portion of the fats from nuts are not absorbed properly due to fiber, etc.

So my question is this, would someone who is hitting the fat minimum (.4-.5 x lbs) who is also relying on a lot their fat intake from nuts be in danger of not hitting their daily requirements? Or is this nut fat absorption stuff baloney?

I'll hang up and listen..

from Forums - Nutrition

Relatively high caloric deficit

Welcome, this is my first post.

I am 18 years old, and I am not in my best shape of my life. Recently I have gained a lot of fat, due to a really poor & unhealthy diet.
I pretty much understand the basics of gaining & losing weight, but I have a question!
The last time I measured myself (with a body analyzer scale; which of course is not 100% accurate) I got the following results:

Weight: 72,6 kg
Body fat mass: 31,6% (22,9 kg)
Body muscle mass: 35,5% (25,7 kg)

I am aware of the fact, that I carry way too much fat on my body, so I came up with this idea:
  • I keep my calory intake under 500 calories per day for a week,
  • I do water fasting for a week,
and I keep switching between these cycles, until I reach my goal body fat mass percent level, which is 18%.

On the days, when I keep my caloric intake under 500 calories per day, I usually eat 4 cooked eggs, which is around 329 calories (26,5 grams of protein & 22,5 grams of fat).

I do it for two reasons:
  • although I do not consume enough protein per day, I consume some to try to minimalize muscle mass loss (although some researches have shown that you lose 1/4 of weight as muscle mass),
  • eggs contain Biotin (also known as B7), the vitamin that plays role in supporting metabolism.
Also, to speed up the process & not to be a lazy f**k, from now on I will create as huge caloric deficit as possible, meaning that:
  • I will burn around 1000 calories throughout each day by walking,
  • I will do a HIIT workout every other day (excluding weekends).

from Forums - Nutrition

feeling bloated in the middle of the night and in the morning

Good morning! so guys im having a weird bloat and want to find the cause. the thing is, this happens when sleeping late at night. i get extremely bloated in the lower abs. i do get a bit bloated after dinner, but not so intense.

additional info,
i eat the majority of calories late at night (2-3 hours before bed), it does contain a lot of veggies (2-4 servings depending on what i want that day. this is not counting regular potato or sweet potato, which i usually eat), peanut butter, peanuts and almond, bread and some protein with the veggies, it does contain a bit of sodium from a bit of salt and other stuff.

i do have a lot of stress and anxiety + sleep is not the best.

my biggest concern is why i mostly get messy bloated in the middle of the night (when waking up to urinate) and right in the morning and not that bad after eating?

from Forums - Nutrition

Is maintenance necessary?

I have been cutting for two months, great results. I feel way too tiny now, clothes are baggy etc. I want to start bulking, I originally dirty bulked and it got out of control so I had to cut to get lean to start over. I want to lean bulk , that being said. Can I start this today or do I have to do maintenance for a couple weeks. Thank you.

from Forums - Nutrition

KetoViante Philippines Weight Loss Pills is new similar to we said. Moreover, they are just the regular technique to lose muscle to fat ratio. Before long, the keto diet itself decreases the muscle to fat ratio, if you do it right. Be that as it may, an impressive number of individual don't love surrendering bread and pasta.

Our Official Website:-

from Forums - Nutrition

Weight Loss: Eat This Low-Cal, High-Protein Dish If You Are On A Diet

Here, we help you with a great recipe of a weight loss-friendly dish made with low-calorie, high-protein soya chunks

from NDTV Food - Latest

6 Lush Flavour Trends For Food And Drinks

Havent we all turned high-spirited foodies just because of the toothsome, irresistible and flavourful taste and aroma of our favourite food and drinks? Yes, we foodies use all our sensory organs to...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Fitness Diet: What to Eat Before, During And After A Heavy Workout Session

Your diet before, during and after workout should be carefully curated to help your recover from the harsh exercises regime and prepare it to face it again.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Can't Decide Between Almond Milk and Soy Milk? Read On

As lactose intolerant people have been shifting from cow milk/ buffalo milk to almond milk and soy milk, there is a conflict over which is the better dairy-free alternative. Almond milk and soy milk...

from NDTV Food - Latest

CMFRI develops anti-hypertension product from seaweed

Bioactive pharmacophore leads from seaweeds were used to develop this product, which can be administered orally to regulatehypertension.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Love Fruits? Here Are 6 Tips Diabetics Must Ensure Before Adding Fruits To Their Diet

Here are some tips you should know about if you are planning to include different types of fruits in your diabetes diet.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Philly Cheesecake: Here's How You Can Make This Yummy Dessert At Home

Giuseppe and Sons is one of the newest fine Italian restaurants in Philadelphia. The restaurant sources its desserts from Termini Brothers, an iconic Italian bakery with a hundred year legacy

from NDTV Food - Latest

5 Best Gujarati Sweets

Gujarati Sweets: Find here the best of sweets from the Gujarat region that would make your taste buds want more! From basundi, shrikhand to mohanthal, we've got it all along with the key ingredients...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Eating Yogurt May Actually Help Alleviate Cold, Here's How

Yogurt is enriched with zinc, which is also helpful in boosting immunity.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch Recipe: Jowar Pulao, A Healthier Version Of Regular Rice-Based Pulao

This recipe of jowar pulao is super-nutritious as it eliminates rice and adds the goodness of jowar along with a range of healthy vegetables

from NDTV Food - Latest

Try This Healthy And Delicious Kachche Kele (Raw Banana) Ki Subzi Recipe (Video)

Kachcha kela is quite delicious and nutritious as well and can be turned into numerous delicacies, and a subzi or a spicy vegetarian accompaniment for Indian flatbreads, is one of the best known ones...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Poor Diet Packed With Junk and Processed Food May Up Cancer Risk: Study

According to a latest study, consuming a poor diet may give rise to a number of health issues, one of them being cancer.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Calorie intake

So I am 42 yo, 6’2” 241 lbs
I work out every other day doing a full body workout. 4 different workouts headed by each of the big 4 (bp,OHP, squat and dL) Each workout has 4-5 exercises. No cardio. I have a job that requires me to get in about 10,000 steps a day but no physical labor.

I seem to have stalled my weight loss on 2600 calories a day. To lose weight again should I drop down to 2500 or find a way to increase activity?

2600 seems so low to be maintenance for 241 lbs that I don’t want to teach my body to maintain on even lower calories. Or is it pretty normal to maintain at 2600 calories at 241 lbs with my activity level?

from Forums - Nutrition

Ideas for breakfast lunch

So I am currently 31 year old male who is a service plumber who works in a van daily. I have no access to a refrigerator, or a microwave, so every day I normally stop at 7-11 for breakfast and some sort of fast food for lunch. I am looking for some "normal" healthy meals/ideas i can take with me to work that do not have to be heated up. I do not have any allergies, and I will pretty much eat anything.

Thanks for reading!

from Forums - Nutrition

JB Chemicals promoters to offload 57% stake

PE and pharma peers have been sounded out and a formal process is due to be launched, said sources.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

How to eat during deload (cut v. bulk)

I have a deload week every ~6 weeks where I just take a full week off from lifting weights. Only stretching and body weight stuff for that week.

Currently cutting and what seems to work well is to up my calories to around maintenance level for the deload week. Come back to the gym feeling strong, and my muscles look fuller.

Will transition to bulking soon and wondering how I should approach the deload weeks. Drop down to maintenance? Keep it the same?

Also welcome any input on my cutting/deload approach if anybody has anything on that.

from Forums - Nutrition

Diet in a Caloric Deficit Plateau

Hey guys the title pretty much says it all.

I have been dieting for the last couple months in a caloric deficit from what i was eating before. I got good results, but now over the past two weeks It seems to have plateau offed and I cant shed any more weight when their is still obvious weight to loose. I changed the diet with keeping the same calories, but new foods and also decreased it by an additional 100 calories and we no changes/effects.

My current calorie count is at 1650 a day.

Im 6'1 230lbs.

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: World Pasta 1

There are 8 Pastas dishes below from around the world.

Please choose up to 4 that you like:

Artichoke Lemon Pasta

Asian Veggie Glass Noodles

Beef Paprikash

Grecian Pasta & Chicken Skillet

Italian Wedding Soup

Pasta F agioli

Shrimp Pad Thai

Spanish Noodles & Ground Beef

from Forums - Nutrition

Are some protein shakes regulated by the fda?

Went to Walmart and some protein powders where marked with a nutrition facts label instead of a supplement label are the nutrion facts label mean they are fda regulated? What's the difference?

from Forums - Nutrition

How much protein

Hi! I am 14 turning 15 and I weigh 137 pounds. How much protein should I be eating a day. Is there a chart or calculator I should use? I am asking, because the one on said to eat 199 grams and I was a little confused.

Thank You !!!

from Forums - Nutrition

Safe, Healthy bulking for Teen (Football)

My son was asked to put on weight for football. He’s 98lbs of pure muscle, but others in the sport are 120-200lbs. Fitness is not an issue, but what would be an appropriate and healthy way for him to put on pounds? What foods? How many calories? Thanks in advance.

from Forums - Nutrition

I need help!

Hello everyone ... I need an advice.
So, it's been several weeks since I've been around the same weight (74 / 75kg) and based on weight, every week I increased my diet by 100/150 calories. For example, this week I followed a 3500-calorie diet compared to 3400 last week. Now, I don't know what to do because weighing myself today I saw that I lost almost 1kg.
Either the scale is broken (despite is new) or there is something wrong with my diet. Also because when I measured myself, I saw that I gained several inches in different body parts. A possible mistake that I made in the diet is the fact that I eat so much at breakfast and lunch and then I have a very light dinner because like by 5 pm I have already reached almost all the macros. What do you guys think? And also this next week will be the last bulk week then I’ll start cutting.

from Forums - Nutrition

How much calories do I need to eat in order to gain 1 kilogram of fat?

Is it TDEE + 3500 + 3500?

from Forums - Nutrition

Loss of appetite


I’m 24 years old 97kg ~low BF% and I’m currently bulking trying to get up to 100kgs before a cut, I’ve gained 5kgs in the last month but now I’ve reached a plateau as I just cannot seem to eat. I’m never hungry I have to be mindful to eat and sometimes when I’m eating I find myself chewing the same bite 50 times with no inclination to swallow, sometimes I end up spitting it out because I feel like I’ll throw up if another bite goes down. This started about two weeks ago when I hit 97kgs. Does anyone know this problem and maybe how to fix or alleviate it?

My macros are roughly P275 C5-600 F100 aiming for 4000-4500kcals every day, this used to be easy but now it feels impossible.
I do fasted cardio in the mornings on average EOD, I commute with a bike and I lift weights 5-6 times a week.
My TDEE hovers around 4000kcals according to my smart watch.
No marijuana.

from Forums - Nutrition

16 year old, stuck in plateau.

I am 16 years old and have been training hard for about a year. I have always tried to keep a clean diet but there are always a couple times when I'll totally pig out, but it doesn't really affect me since I'm a super skinny guy. When I started training I weighed around 110lbs-115lbs (6% body fat) and after my year of training I was weighing in around 135lbs (5%). Sometimes the scale would go up and down, probably because of water, but I pretty much plateaued around there. I had had a plateau when I was around 126 lbs, and managed to bust through it. Not sure how. However, I'm trying my damn hardest eating upwards of 2500 to 2600 calories a day, tracking macros so I know I'm eating plenty of each macro nutrient (such as protein), and over the past few weeks the scale hasn't been going UP, but down. Just a recap, I started this year of training around 135. No matter what time of day I stepped on the scale, I would never dip below 135. However a couple weeks ago I started weighing in around 134.. skip to next week, 133. Skip again to this week, 132. I'm starting to get really worried that I'm losing gains but I'm not sure how. I'm doing everything right with the training and each respective muscle group is always sore the day after that workout but I give plenty of time for recovery. I always write my own workouts and they always work for me, so that's just what I continue to do (Always changing it up, of course). I used to be following a bro split (5 days on, 2 days off), but couldn't keep up and didn't have enough time for recovery. Since then I've changed my split to:

1- Chest + Bis
2- Legs + Short, intense cardio
3-Back and Tris
4- Shoulders + Core
(Rest on weekends)

I typically don't end up going on a strict schedule but I always stick to the "1,2,rest,3,4" if that makes sense. I get plenty of sleep and take melatonin every night. Even during school I'd be getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. I always prioritize recovery, and don't think that's a problem. The weirdest thing is that I don't visually see any difference, and started tracking measurements along with my weight so I'm not relying on one number. What the hell is happening? I have somewhere from 4%-6% body fat so there's little to none of that to burn off. I've done all kinds of research about my training so I don't think that's a problem, but I've tried to find anything I can about how to break this plateau and NOTHING IS WORKING! Such frustration. There's probably a lot more variables that go into this, so if there are any kinds of questions please do ask.

from Forums - Nutrition

Lost 10lbs in 1week....

So I have been in the hospital for 1 week and have been out for a few days now. During that time I lost 10 pounds , my diet was complete crap and have been off of creatine.
Prior I was working out 5-6 times a week consistently.

How long do you think it will take me to gain that weight back and see my gains?
I am 23 yo female and went from 145 to 135...

from Forums - Nutrition

Meet the man who skated on Ladakh’s largest, highest frozen lake

Having skated on the frozen Tso Moriri in Ladakh, Vishwaraj Jadeja shares why he loves driving his body to the extreme

from The Hindu - Fitness

Try This High Protein And Low Carb Kiwi Smoothie To Shed A Few Pounds

Weight Loss: All the weight loss smoothies must contain fruits that are rich in fibre, good carbs, and antioxidants. Ditch all the store-bought products and include kiwi smoothie in your diet, and the...

from NDTV Food - Latest

This Delish Idli Chaat Is One Easy Snack You Can Tuck Into When Cravings Hit

Idli is normally teamed with sambhar and chutney, but it is actually quite versatile.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss Drink: Drink Oats-Based Smoothies To Rev Up Your Metabolism

Another way to consume oats instead of eating it is by drinking it in the form of smoothies. Oats instantly emit their nutrients into a smoothie, making it an ideal weight loss drink.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Swap Cream And Starch In Curries With These Healthy Ingredients

You can make your Indian curries creamy and thick, without adding cream or maida to them. Here's how!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Want PVC-free yoga mats? This Chennai woman shows you how

City-based Juru Yoga says no to PVC, and makes mats out of sustainable materials such as cork, natural rubber and jute

from The Hindu - Fitness

High BP Patients Must Know Of This Dangerous Side-Effect Of Herbal Licorice Tea

Anew study has associated the consumption of the supposedly healthy herbalbeverage licorice tea, with elevated blood pressure.

from NDTV Food - Latest

5 Best Brownie Recipes

Brownie Recipes: Find here the best of brownie recipes that you can prepare at home. From fudgy chewy to mug brownie and brownie cheesecake, we've got it all with key ingredients and a step by step...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Aloe Vera (Ghritkumari): Benefits And Interesting Ways Of Adding It To Your Diet

Aloe Vera has a mild herbaceous flavour and almost a neutral taste, which is what makes it a healthy ingredient to add to your diet.

from NDTV Food - Latest

This Summery High-Protein Shake Is All You Need To Beat The Heat And Those Extra Kilos 

This delicious protein shake that is made with delectable summer berries is an ideal post-workout drink .

from NDTV Food - Latest

Less Than 7 Hours Of Sleep Bad For Your Heart

People who sleep less than seven hours each night are at higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease, warn researchers. Read on.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Run the marathon of your life

It’s not just the finish line but getting there that makes it memorable. Here are some steps to get you started

from The Hindu - Fitness

These Foods Will Help You Avoid And Cope Up With Hangover

Some studies suggest that drinking alcohol leads to lowering of levels of important vitamins and minerals. Consuming these food can fill up for the lost nutrients.

from NDTV Food - Latest

This Is What Your Wine Preference Says About You - Why Red Wine Is A Healthier Option

Did you know that your wine preferences tell a lot about your personality traits? Intriguing, right? As per the recent study, personality traits of people who drink red wine are different from the...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Post-term pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of excitement and anticipation. Most to-be parents keep counting the days to the birth of their child. “Usually, the due date is c

from The Hindu - Fitness

The alternative will soon be mainstream?

People are now moving towards the traditional Eastern medical practices that connect with nature

from The Hindu - Fitness

Goodbyes are never easy

Tears. Tantrums. Clinginess. Separation anxiety in toddlers can be hard on them and their parents

from The Hindu - Fitness

Consuming Dietary Fibres May Stave Off Risk Of Heart Transplants

If the findings of a latest study are to be believed heart patients who consume more dietary fibre tend to have healthier gut bacteria, which is associated with reduced risk of death or need of a...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Should I bulk or cut? Also, what do you think of my meal plan?

Hey all, I'm still pretty new to this whole stuff

I'm 1.80m and currently at 82.5kg (dropped from 105.5 since November)
I'm doing Reg Park's 5x5 3-4 times a week (every second day) and sometimes jog (try to at least jog once a week for 6km)
now I was thinking about cutting a bit more, but I'm not sure (sadly can't post a picture or link as I'm new here)

also, is my mealplan for tomorrow okay? It's something I eat on a pretty regular basis, at least the breakfast is pretty much the same every day, I really like tomatoes (especially cherry tomatoes), the salad is without mozzarella normally, but I got some and I really like it

breakfast (423 cal): 250g quark, 30g whey, 40g oats

lunch (925 cal): salad, 100g vinegar, 20g honey, 125g mozzarella, 130g tuna, 100g turkey breast


dinner (583 cal): 300g chicken breast, 50g rice, 400g green beans

snack (143 cal): 500g tomatoes, 14g EAA powder + 5g creatine

sum: 2074 cal, 180g carbs, 239g protein, 37g fats

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Fruits & Cakes Finals

Please choose your 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place choices from the 10 Fruits/Cakes below, listed in order of votes, that received 4 or more votes yesterday:

Chocolate PB




Cookies & Cream

from Forums - Nutrition

High calorie, moderate sugar, high protein homemade bars?

What’s a good recipe for moderately low sugar, high cal and protein bars?

from Forums - Nutrition

Spare calories: 80/20 or IIFYM?

I'm at 2700~ calories right now (all clean and unprocessed food, with the exception of a chocolate/pineapple flavored protein yoghurt in the morning for 200~ calories) and I'll need about 200 more to hit my target intake.

Would there be any problems with me going for 2 servings (60g) of Nestle Cookie Crisp cereals every evening to hit that goal? I've heard of the 80/20 rule and IIFYM, but also insulin spikes and refined/unrefined carbs, so I'm wondering what the opinions of nutrition experts are.

PS: I already have oats in the morning, I'm just looking for something else in the evening to ease the taste buds and hit my spare carbs.

from Forums - Nutrition

Too much natural sugar from yogurt?

Hello there,

I've been regularly consuming about 8 fat free yogurts per day, as I'm low on time and it's a good way to help me get to my 3200 kcal a day!
However, I noticed on the pot that it does actually contain about 7.3g of sugar per pot (naturally occuring, not added).

Is this probably too much sugar?


from Forums - Nutrition

Why does the nutritional value vary greatly between brands of an equivalent product?

Really trying to figure out why nutritional values can vary so greatly between brands of basically the same product. I eat tilapia as it has a great protein to fat ratio which makes it great for cutting. To compare the two options found at my grocery store, there is Great American Seafood Tilapia Fillets and Coleson's Catch Tilapia Fillets. Both are frozen and have the same ingredients: tilapia and CO (for color retention). They are right next to each other on the shelf. Great American Seafood has 140 Cal for a 4oz serving consisting of 2g of fat and 29g protein while Coleson's Catch has 100 cal for a 4oz serving consisting of 2.5g of fat and 20g protein. How can the same 4oz have a 37% difference in protein value? Is one more optimistic or realistic than the other? I just want to make sure I'm counting my macros correctly.

from Forums - Nutrition

17 years old, completely lost

17 years old, 180lb/82kg, hitting the gym three times a week trying to build muscle.

I started the gym around January. I've definitely made some gains but I feel like I should of made much more with the amount of effort I'm putting in while I'm there. I'm not eating correctly. I know that. I'm overweight, but I haven't been losing weight, so I can't be in a deficit.

I don't know what to eat. I live with my mother who is a single parent and she doesn't have a lot of money to be buying the stuff for all these complex meals like salmon and pepper and avocado which really demotivates me. I'm also really fussy, and the only veg I like is potatoes, sweetcorn and occasionally cauliflour.

I know you have to bulk eat and be in a surplus to build muscle, but what type of calories should I be eating? Calories from meat, sugary foods/drinks? I'm also very scared to go into a surplus because I know I'm already overweight and I really don't want to gain anymore fat, I'm at a 'slim fat' build at the moment which I'll take over being completely overweight any day.

If I've been building muscle already without eating properly, does that mean I'm in a surplus due to my eating patterns anyway? If so, should I simply eat a little more to encourage my muscles to grow more?(I feel like I should of made bigger gains with the intensity and what I've been lifting, so if I haven't does that simply mean I haven't had a big enough surplus?)

My goal is to build muscle(abs, arms, legs, shoulders etc) so I can feel more confident and better about myself. Eating right is the one thing I'm really struggling on and I think you guys might be able to help. Thanks in advance!

from Forums - Nutrition

Recently started intermittent fasting, water gain+ carbs question

Hey folks

I read the sticky’s and I’ll try to make a post that isn’t wasting anyone’s time

So a tiny bit of background
I have been weight lifting for about a year, most of which was spent cutting

My goal is to for now get to at least 15 % bodyfat and possibly lower then to bulk then cut then bulk without ever gaining those love handles again

Daily I eat 2000 calories, 2000-3000mg salt, high cheese, i eat a lot of chicken fried in olive oil and tuna. 1-3 veggies day

Started at 93kg now around 76kg I lowered my calories to 1950 from 2000 very recently
2000 calories

185g Protein
122g Carbs (mostly complex)
73g Fat


I recently noticed I have been retaining water since starting INtermittent fasting 1 week ago...

At 3 pm my feeding window starts I have a can of tuna or other lean protein
Then at 6/6:30 I eat a very large meal, around 1300-1500 calories fairly high in cheese meat, oil and carbs (most of my carbs for the day) then before bed at 11/12 I have 2 scoops of casein

Will eating almost all of the carbs on my rest days in one meal cause me problems? Should I space them out

And also; why have I stated gaining water wEight, is my body just getting used to Intermittent fasting?

Bonus: Any changes I should make? Am I going the right direction for my goals to become reality?

Thanks for the help.

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