Another cut or bulk question... opinion please

Hi guys,

Would really appreciate your opinion. I’ve been cutting for a while now, currently at around 156lb down from 245lb (quite a long time ago). Spent a long time around 175lb in between.

Eating around 1700-1900kcal 160gP/150gC/60gF approx

TDEE 2300, lift 4-5 t8mes per week

Losing a lot of strength in gym and obviously lack muscle mass. Starting to really see some progress with fat loss, can start to see abs and lower pecs in the very best light and mirror conditions (by no means am I saying I have abs or pecs!)

Should I continue to cut to get leaner before going to a lean bulk at maintenance. Or start now? It will deffo be a lean bulk, I’ve been chubby forever. So will struggle to purposefully put on weight. Mindset wise.

I’ve been stuck with same body composition for a long time. Stuck in the middle of cutting then bulking constantly. So want to do it properly this time, hence why I’m willing to continue the cut to get properly lean even though I’m getting pretty small!

Goal is to look good not necessarily be the strongest.

Current lift
Bench 5x70kg
Squat 5x100kg
Dead 5x130kg

from Forums - Nutrition


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