16 year old, stuck in plateau.

I am 16 years old and have been training hard for about a year. I have always tried to keep a clean diet but there are always a couple times when I'll totally pig out, but it doesn't really affect me since I'm a super skinny guy. When I started training I weighed around 110lbs-115lbs (6% body fat) and after my year of training I was weighing in around 135lbs (5%). Sometimes the scale would go up and down, probably because of water, but I pretty much plateaued around there. I had had a plateau when I was around 126 lbs, and managed to bust through it. Not sure how. However, I'm trying my damn hardest eating upwards of 2500 to 2600 calories a day, tracking macros so I know I'm eating plenty of each macro nutrient (such as protein), and over the past few weeks the scale hasn't been going UP, but down. Just a recap, I started this year of training around 135. No matter what time of day I stepped on the scale, I would never dip below 135. However a couple weeks ago I started weighing in around 134.. skip to next week, 133. Skip again to this week, 132. I'm starting to get really worried that I'm losing gains but I'm not sure how. I'm doing everything right with the training and each respective muscle group is always sore the day after that workout but I give plenty of time for recovery. I always write my own workouts and they always work for me, so that's just what I continue to do (Always changing it up, of course). I used to be following a bro split (5 days on, 2 days off), but couldn't keep up and didn't have enough time for recovery. Since then I've changed my split to:

1- Chest + Bis
2- Legs + Short, intense cardio
3-Back and Tris
4- Shoulders + Core
(Rest on weekends)

I typically don't end up going on a strict schedule but I always stick to the "1,2,rest,3,4" if that makes sense. I get plenty of sleep and take melatonin every night. Even during school I'd be getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. I always prioritize recovery, and don't think that's a problem. The weirdest thing is that I don't visually see any difference, and started tracking measurements along with my weight so I'm not relying on one number. What the hell is happening? I have somewhere from 4%-6% body fat so there's little to none of that to burn off. I've done all kinds of research about my training so I don't think that's a problem, but I've tried to find anything I can about how to break this plateau and NOTHING IS WORKING! Such frustration. There's probably a lot more variables that go into this, so if there are any kinds of questions please do ask.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://bbcom.me/2M9hBXH


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