Recently started intermittent fasting, water gain+ carbs question

Hey folks

I read the sticky’s and I’ll try to make a post that isn’t wasting anyone’s time

So a tiny bit of background
I have been weight lifting for about a year, most of which was spent cutting

My goal is to for now get to at least 15 % bodyfat and possibly lower then to bulk then cut then bulk without ever gaining those love handles again

Daily I eat 2000 calories, 2000-3000mg salt, high cheese, i eat a lot of chicken fried in olive oil and tuna. 1-3 veggies day

Started at 93kg now around 76kg I lowered my calories to 1950 from 2000 very recently
2000 calories

185g Protein
122g Carbs (mostly complex)
73g Fat


I recently noticed I have been retaining water since starting INtermittent fasting 1 week ago...

At 3 pm my feeding window starts I have a can of tuna or other lean protein
Then at 6/6:30 I eat a very large meal, around 1300-1500 calories fairly high in cheese meat, oil and carbs (most of my carbs for the day) then before bed at 11/12 I have 2 scoops of casein

Will eating almost all of the carbs on my rest days in one meal cause me problems? Should I space them out

And also; why have I stated gaining water wEight, is my body just getting used to Intermittent fasting?

Bonus: Any changes I should make? Am I going the right direction for my goals to become reality?

Thanks for the help.

from Forums - Nutrition


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