Tips for increasing appetite?

Background: I've gone from 275lb down to 160lb over the past year plus and and now starting my first bulk. I've set my caloric intake goal at 2400 calories for now (finished cutting at 1700). 2400 might be more maintenance than surplus, but I'm starting at 2400 and monitoring for a couple of weeks and adjusting as needed.

The issue I'm running into is that after such a long period of cutting, I am realizing that I simply don't have the appetite to eat 2400 calories daily without feeling uncomfortably full.

I am utilizing caloricaly dense foods like peanut butter and nuts and also using whey shakes to fill in gaps. It's not that I don't know how to hit my calories, I'm just wondering if there are good ways to increase my appetite so that I can ENJOY eating more, like I thought I would. I was looking forward to bulking and now I'm realizing it's not as fun as I thought it would be!

from Forums - Nutrition


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