Testosterone boosting suppliments, are they safe?

Sorry if this is in the wrong section I wasnt sure where to put this, first post in many years.


The testosterone boosters and stuff from GNC and whatnot.

My main question, if you take these testosterone boosting suppliments, and then come off them, I heard it takes a little bit for your T levels to bounce back to normal without them.

About that though. Do they end up COMPLETELY bouncing back?

Meaning I know the testosterone comes back.... but let's say you use testosterone supplements on and off for a few years, and then stop for a good year. After that year, will your testosterone levels be back to where they would be at that age as if you never touched any testosterone stuff?

Some of the GNC products I've seen seem kinda hardcore. Like the one I was told was made from the placenta of a sheep or something so it's got sheep hormones in it or something........

Anyone know about this stuff really well?

Also, last question. To anyone who has made it a habit of taking t boosters..... have you been to the doctor and had your testosterone levels checked once you were done using the suppliments? Did your levels check out where they should be for someone your age?

Also, Back when I was 20 or so I used testosterone boosters toward the end of my lifting career. I was very jacked, before and after taking the t boosters. I was about 40lbs heavier than I am now, same bodyfat... at 5 foot 7 that's a huge difference in looks. I cant seem to get in shape like I was before tho. Could it be the fact that my body now has testosterone issues because I had taken testosterone boosters from GNC prior to this in my life?

Thank you in advance to anyone who replies!

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2O3WUx3

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