Stop dieting and start eating

Hi im Bunny and right now I'm not gonna stand this crap of dieting bullcrap, with dieting you either starving yourself for a lifetime which we humans can't do or just gonna get off it and move to the next one. We are living things we need food i mean real food not junk but you get the idea, because real food is going to dictate how your own body going to look like. And looking anorexic doesn't just look bad it's dangerous and yours basically killing yourself. Then effort you did in your life was just a waste example. Playing instruments or playing sport and maybe wanting a career is gone forever so what i recommend don't follow anorexic who promote it but follow people maybe they can tell you how they stopped being it becUse this is important stop starving and start eating
Your body would need 1700 to 2000 plus if your like a kid or teenager
But now don't just eat thatmuch and sit around . Be slightly active so your body can hamdle the stress and eat more if your more active than that.

from Forums - Nutrition

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