New here. Pre & Post workout nutrition help please!

Hi all,

I'm hoping for some advice trying to gain another 5kg.
Looking for the ideal routine for pre and post gym meals and what works best for me.
With my current schedule the best time I've got to work out is in the morning between 6am-7am.
I've been getting up about 5.30am to have a protein shake and banana so about half an hour before starting. This seems to do the trick and gets me through the session.
Immediately post workout about 7am I've been trying to have a WPI shake with some added dextrose, then I try and eat breakfast around 7.30am consisting of eggs and toast, then some cereal.
Problem being by the time I'm trying to eat the solid meal I feel sick to the stomach and can barely get it down.
I've been lifting for a while but have only just tried some dextrose post workout, would this sickness be a sign of my sugars actually crashing after drinking the dextrose?
I'm wondering if I should skip the post workout shake entirely and go straight for the solid meal?
Thoughts appreciated.


from Forums - Nutrition

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