Looking for some insight on my diet situation.

Hi all I'm brand new to posting on a diet/nutrition forum but I'm hoping for some insight on what I've been experiencing since changing my diet. Where I live it's very hard to secure a family doctor, let alone get an opportunity to speak with a nutritionist/dietitian. So that brings me here really hoping someone can help. A quick background on myself, I am 30 years old and was an athlete in great shape all through my teens and 20s. Metabolism, as well as life has caught up with me a bit and I've gained some weight from having a full time office job and most of my spare time being spent with my significant other, rather than exercising. Anyways I've been wanting to get my body looking better again so I figured a great place to start is by changing my diet. I was never too health-conscious before because being lean was a great side effect of playing so many sports. I ate what most would consider a generally unhealthy diet and got away with it because I was always exercising. So now here I am eating a very healthy diet and learning about good things to eat and good things to avoid. The biggest thing I've been working on is getting a lot of fiber. I read from a few sources it's a big part of weight loss, so I make an effort to eat lots of fiber daily and from good sources. I eat these whole grain tortillas that are high in fiber, but rest of it comes from non-wheat products. Couple fruits in the morning, chia seeds, broc**** avocados chick peas throughout the day.

So sorry for all that background but it finally brings me to my question. Also apologies again because its a bit explicit. but i figure I'm on a nutrition forum it's probably fine. I heard that fiber is supposed to make bowel movements more "consistent" for lack of a better word. I find that when I eat this type of diet my stool is sometimes very flaky and floats on top. I'm very confused by it, and did google on a medical website as well. It suggested a few reasons of why stool may be like that, but they were all negative things in regards to health. And I wasn't experiencing this before my fiber-conscious diet. The other thing is sometimes there will be undigested food still in the stool, I've mostly noticed greens (broc****, lettuce) don't get digested as well. Considering I'd never experienced this when I had my unhealthy diet, I find it very odd. Like, sorry to sound so elementary, but can the broc**** and salad actually be bad for me? I'm not sure if that's a thing. I know I've said that there was an emphasis on fiber but I have been sure to hit the other important parts too like protein iron vitamins A-K etc. I'm sure just like most things, you can have to much fiber, but I do the math on how many grams each thing I eat has, and I'm usually hitting just around the daily recommended %

So if anyone has any insight as to what the cause for this may be? Am I eating too healthy ? Is my inconsistent, partly undigested stool a sign of good health? What am I missing? Sorry for all the stupid questions, but as much as I'm trying to learn more about nutrition, there is still quite a lot I don't understand. I greatly appreciate in advance anyone who can provide a bit of insight or reasons for this? Thanks again

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2P9rkxm

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