Is it possible to have gained 4% body fat in one month? (with pictures)

After coming off a cut, I weighed in at 6’4 171 lbs with 11.3% body fat according to the local GNC InBody scan on 8/24/18. Halfway through my current bulk (and after not lifting for roughly 3 days due to nursing bicep tendinitis), I weighed in at 193 lbs with an apparent 7 lbs in muscle gain, but 9 lbs of body fat. Also, my water weight went up by roughly 10 lbs, and my lean body mass rose from 152-165 lbs. my body fat % is a 14.7 according to the inBody, and I would estimate myself to be closer to 13% at maximum. Unfortunately I haven’t figured out yet how to upload pictures so I can’t have you guys see for yourself. So my question stands as is, is it possible to gain nearly 4% body fat in 5 weeks as the InBody claims that I have? I’m 20 years old and have been lifting seriously and consistently for about 10 months. I eat roughly 3500 cals a day compared to 2000 while cutting, if that helps at all. First picture is 5 weeks ago, second is now.
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