I'm confused about all these diets.

Hey everybody

I lost around 90lbs in the last seven months. I follow a vegan diet and my diet consisted mostly carbs and protein and not so much fat. I lost very consistently weigt and now my weight goes down super slow for the last few pounds but I guess thats normal.

When you eat right. Like healty whole foods and good fats and quality protein. When you exercise alot and are in a caloric deficit, does it really matter if you go lowcarb/highfat or highfat/lowcarb?

My diet has healthy fats and carbs in it because i eat the foods i like and that keep me full. I do intermittent fasting. I only eat two meals in a eight hour window. I exercise daily for an hour sometimes cardio sometimes strength. And it kinda works.

But the last few days I read about the importance of either lowcarb or highfat and its such a pain to figure out why it isnt enough to just eat at a healthy caloric deficit with real foods and exercise without caring about keeping one low and the other high. Personlly i look that I get enough carbs and fats and proteins so that its healthy. Isn't that enough...whats the deal with these diets?

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2q7ZdR0

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