Calories physical activity and advice

So what would I be categorized under on the tdee calculator physical activty section?
I am a 16 year old student but aim for slightly higher than 10k steps a day and also lift 5-6 times a week.
Besides that I dont do much.

I know that the popular reply is not to count calories but i have a bad tendency to go overboard or not know how much I'm eating compared to how much I'm supposed to eat.

So can someone help me and please give out my tdee for maintaince and when clean bulking?
From this could you also say what activity level I am?

Also I'm clean bulking because my stats are pretty bad. I started as a 32%bodyfat fat kid at around 180 pounds and my lowest after I entered the fitness realm I reached 150. Now I'm hovering around 156-160
My current stats are
156-160 pounds
Age 16
And my lifts arent the best but I do follow specific workouts from very good programs for each body part because I hear that things like quads and abs reply good to high reps while back is good for building at low reps

from Forums - Nutrition


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