I have a trainer who send me workouts but doesnt advice me on nutrition. Workouts are great and i enjoy they suit my current level of experience. I will provide my workout and want to know what type of foods should i eat or how many carbs,fats and protein. My goal is to to build muscle and strength while keeping body fat low.
Barbell back squats down to box that makes your hips hit parallel
Bar X10
185x3x2 sets
205 x2 X3 sets
Trap bar deadlifts 3x8
Machine Hamstring curls 3x12
Bbanded good mornings 3x20
lower back ext 3x10
Weighted plank 3x60 seconds
Band pull aparts 3x20
Tricep pressdowns 3x15
Dumbbell bench press 3x15
Flat barbellpress
Work up to conservative 1 rm
Take 80% for 3x3
Incline dumbbell press 4x10
Seated cable rows 4x10
One arm lat pulldowns 4x10 per side
Seated cleans 3x8
Rear delt flyes 3x12
100 banded tricep pressdowns
Every time you stop , 15 barbell curls
Dead bugs 3x12 per side
Side plank with rotation 3x12 per side
Barbell back squats 3x8 @ forn5-15 lbs heavier than last time
Front squats 3x10
Bulgarian split squats 3x8 per leg
Ball hamstring curls 3x12
Dumbbell rdls 3x12
Reverse hypers if possible, if not, lower back ext X10
Weighted planks 3x45 seconds
Flat dumbbell press 12 sets of 3 at 55% of what was hit on day 2
Barbell rows 3x10
Max banded push-ups 3x
Superset with banded pull up Max
Front raises 3x12
Straight arm pressdowns 3x12
Cable Tricep pressdowns x20
Cable 21s
Barbell back squats down to box that makes your hips hit parallel
Bar X10
185x3x2 sets
205 x2 X3 sets
Trap bar deadlifts 3x8
Machine Hamstring curls 3x12
Bbanded good mornings 3x20
lower back ext 3x10
Weighted plank 3x60 seconds
Band pull aparts 3x20
Tricep pressdowns 3x15
Dumbbell bench press 3x15
Flat barbellpress
Work up to conservative 1 rm
Take 80% for 3x3
Incline dumbbell press 4x10
Seated cable rows 4x10
One arm lat pulldowns 4x10 per side
Seated cleans 3x8
Rear delt flyes 3x12
100 banded tricep pressdowns
Every time you stop , 15 barbell curls
Dead bugs 3x12 per side
Side plank with rotation 3x12 per side
Barbell back squats 3x8 @ forn5-15 lbs heavier than last time
Front squats 3x10
Bulgarian split squats 3x8 per leg
Ball hamstring curls 3x12
Dumbbell rdls 3x12
Reverse hypers if possible, if not, lower back ext X10
Weighted planks 3x45 seconds
Flat dumbbell press 12 sets of 3 at 55% of what was hit on day 2
Barbell rows 3x10
Max banded push-ups 3x
Superset with banded pull up Max
Front raises 3x12
Straight arm pressdowns 3x12
Cable Tricep pressdowns x20
Cable 21s
from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2MC1XyV
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