Intermittent Fasting, Smoothie Detox, Paleo, and Water Elimination Diet

The last few months my diet has been a pretty decent. I've been incorporating Large Green Smoothies with healthy fats from either Avocado, Almond Butter, or Flax Seeds. Which has greatly decreased my overall appetite and my cravings, especially sugar cravings. (IE I'd binge a family size chips ahoy...).

I began seriously in mind June at about 280. I'm now down to around 255. 6'3".

One thing I've been noticing is an accidental IF protocol when I wouldn't eat in the mornings. Leading to about 1500 to 2400 calories a day depending on how I felt. Sub 2000 wouldn't be unusual. This was including July where I started a lot of 2 hr days at the gym.

I plateaued afor about 2 weeks around 258. I ended up fasting full 24 hours, which pushed me towards the 255 mark.

I have a newly minted personal trainer friend whom is recommending a water elimination diet. Only water for a few days (4?) and then slowly introduce foods.

Overall I'm leaning more towards a smoothie fast/detox but wanting to get some input as all the information out there, even in this site. I'm also worried about shifting my metabolism based on things from the Biggest Loser, and how their methods resulted in permanent metabolic shift.

On a more personal note. I've noticed a drop in sex drive since about March, I think. Which hasn't really increased back due to working out. I'm 36. (Might be some emotional/psychological blocks here)

Also, I do get periods of being extremely drained. And am wondering if I'm missing something critical in my diet. (Again might be an emotional component.)

from Forums - Nutrition

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