Different lifts sending mixed messages about calorie targets

Squats, Deadlists and Rows progress at a fairly consistent rate. OH press is a bit slower but still sensible given the smaller muscles used.

The wack one is the bench press which has stalled hard recently. I tried adding 200 calories recently to unstick it. The other lifts progressed slightly faster but the bench press stayed stuck.

I then added another 500 calories as a last resort before tweaking some other variable but that actually worked and now its progressing at a reasonable rate. My numbers are 225/305/390 B/S/D by the way.

I'm kinda mixed on this. Nice to see the bench progressing again. But I hate the huge surplus followed by long or frequent cut cycle this sets me up for. I'd probably have another 20-50 lbs on my lifts if I didn't spend so much damn time cutting weight last year because of these huge surpluses.

How would you guys handle this? I'm thinking of acting like the extra 500 calories was a failure and adding extra accessory work to see if I can keep the surplus down and still unstick the bench

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2LVxxaJ

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