can somebody tell me why i don't gain weight with this crappy diet? calories in

if it really is calories in vs calories out, i'm about 200 pound 5'10, 11 percent body fat, i don't really gain weight and work at a grocery store which i am walking around pretty much everyday for 9 hours, but besides that, my appetite is complete trash to get healthy foods, i literally vomit

and yeS i know this diet is complete ****ty but i tried it for 2 weeks just to see what would happen, and my weight stayed at 200 pounds

i'm just experiementing with this whole calories in vs calories out thingy

before gym 8 am

- 2 scoops whole milk, 2 scoops weight gainer - 800 calories

10 am- after workout, - 1 liter chocolate milk - 600 calories

1 pm- 15 chicken wings - 900 calories

3 pm - same as meal one, 2 scoops whole milk- 2 scoops weight gainer- 800 calories

5 pm- 15 chicken wings - 900 calories

6 pm- 1 liter strawberry milk - 600 calories

8 pm - cottage cheese handful almonds- 500 calories

10 pm before bed, usually as much protein mixed with oats and peanut butter, easily another 1000 calories

so yes, it's mostly liquid because i'm always on the go, and yes if it was working i'd just be gaining fat, but just curious as to why it doesn't?

eating whole foods only in a day i barely get to 3k calories

that's at least 5000 calories and i did this for 2 weeks yet my weight did not change, maybe by like 0.3 pounds or so,

but regardless of how many liquids, i thought it was calories in vs calorie out, does this mean i'm burning much more at work? once again, i do have a great metabolism , i never really get fat off anything, but just curious

from Forums - Nutrition

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