Can I reach my caloric needs with only two big meals a day?

So since I have a really tight schedule on Wednesday (while doing full body every Tuesday and Saturday) I can only eat two big meals this day which would be breakfast and dinner. I have school from 9.50 to 17.10 o'clock, extracurricular activities from 17.45 to 19 o'clock and can only eat a small meal at lunch break. So the second time I eat a big meal after breakfast is at about 19.30 o'clock when I come home. I also need to go to bed no later than 23 o'clock that day since I have to get up very early on the next day. So two big and one small meal is the very maximum I can go (considering that I have to do homework, study, shower etc. after coming home). So I wanted to ask wether some of you could give me any tips or even recipes to meet my daily calorie and macro expectations on Wednesday with only eating two big meals (1800cals, 90g-120g protein, 150g-200g carbohydrates, 50-80g fats). Your help will be greatly appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

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