After 9 years of manipulating intake, I finally gave IF a try (pics)

I have been back to the gym for 9 years now. With the help of Iron Will and guys like Timberwolf, and Alan Aragon for sure, it was not long until I leaned that IIFYM was an effective and do-able lifestyle that would give me the results I wanted and still enjoy life.

I spent 5+ years eating 4-5 month surpluses (at approx 250-300 cal) followed by 10-12 week deficits of 500-750 cal and repeating over and over. I was trining with power as my primary goal. About 3 years ago, I realized I 'topped' out mass wise and 'bulk/cut' was no longer yielding any effective progress.

I decided to get and stay "lean-ish". I have zero problems structuring a deficit. I, however, am ALWAY hungry. It is just a battle of will power. When I dropped down below 10% range in the past, my hunger would win out and I would quit and just be happy where I was at but never really attacking the last bits of stubborn fat.

Since I was a power lifter and never trained for "bodybuilding" I have never paid the cost to really cut down so there were (and at some point still are) little areas of fat hanging on.

I have heard many people talk about IF and I always thought....great if it works for them, but it would not work for me. I like to eat a lot and I break my meals up into 5-6 just so I always have something coming up. But EVERY night I would go to bed hungry. Snacking on pickles or jalapeno peppers....whatever I could chew on, but still not happy.

Early summer decided to give IF a try and within 3 days I was AMAZED at how little I felt in the way of hunger. I could care less about any of the other purported benefits of IF....the hunger control was enough for me. So I have stayed eating this way. No tracking....just knowing where I need to be. I alternate high and lower cal/carb days by feel (or if I want to cheat). I have gotten to the leanest I have ever maintained and done so only by diet. (No cardio involved in the weight loss).

I am going to continue to see how lean I can go without any negative drawbacks. Right now, this is almost "easy" so I am just going to keep with it.

I have to say I am now a believer in IF, even if the benefit is only the suppressed appetite.

Below is a pic of me when I started, then a few mid ways and then one yesterday. (aprox 3 months progress)

from Forums - Nutrition

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