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Caloric surplus during a bulk w/ cardio

Alright, let me lay it out. Just started a 500 cal surplus up from my maintenance of 2200 calories. I can very easily hit that goal as I've been counting calories and don't vary my activity level all that much. On weekends however, due to my job, I'm much more active and and burning much more than regular (Fitbit pegs me at upwards of 3,000 those days).

So my question is, do I stay consistent at 2700 calories throughout the week (and possibly bump up that number soon to compensate) or do I try to manage to tack on the extra calories for just those two days to stay at a 500 cal surplus?

from Forums - Nutrition

Taking Fish Oil caps while following IF protocol - when?

Generally take 6x 1000mg fish oil caps a day for health benefits etc; given that it's a fat there's caloric factors to account for

If following a strict IF protocol, is this likely to mess up the fast? If so, should I be taking them later in the day or at night?

I have read that milk and sugar in coffee or tea isn't necessarily enough to impact the fast, but we're talking potentially 50+ calories with these caps.

from Forums - Nutrition

Circumisision Recovery Tips

I'm 14 and I recently decided to get circumsised. This was after having issues with my foreskin and utilizing creams and stretching at an attempt to loosen it.

Just completed surgery today after being knocked out under general anesthetics. Pain sucks however I was given T2s so those should help out.

My issue is with the sensitivity of the head of my unit, not so much with the pain from the surgery itself. It's extremely painful to walk around and move as when the head touches anything it feels like a kick in the balls. Any suggestions or life hacks to assist with this.

One more thing, I was told I can bathe but I can't get my dick wet, how do I manage this?

I'd prefer advice from dudes who've had this done as well, please don't spew me bull**** advice unless you've experienced this or had a friend who's had it done.

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: New England 5

Below are 12 New England area popular foods/dishes.

Please choose up to 8 that you like:

Boston Brown Bread

Cuttys Roast Beef 1000

Maple Walnut Ice Cream

Needhams Potato Candy

Parker House Rolls

Red Flannel Hash

from Forums - Nutrition

How to get big with diabetes.

It's been a long time since I've posted. I've taken a month off from lifting. Vacation/wife surgery/work. Since October of last year I lifted 3x a week. First with SS then Fierce 5. I'm still sub 300 on my squat and deadlift 1rm. I'm 44 years old, I'm 6'8" and 275lbs. I'm also a type 2 diabetic. My last checkup I had was a week ago. My a1c had went up a bit to 7.5. I control it with medication. I've had a really tough time building muscle and gaining strength. I don't know if it's age, meds, diet or what. I've had a pretty crappy diet but I need to straighten up my act. Drs orders. Less carbs and more protein, fruits and veggies. How can I build big mass without eating like a horse? I want to get strong but I want to show it too. Should I do lighter weights with higher reps or vice versa? What about diet. I understand the basic concept, eat to gain mass..cut to lose fat. Any advice on how to reach my goals (I want to get into local strongman) yet still keep my blood under check? I've thought about getting into bjj again for the cardio but if I do that then I won't be able to recover if I do both.

from Forums - Nutrition

hows my nutrition in general?

im asking this because im feeling fatigue/tired all the time

this is what my diet consist off.

protein: lean chicken, grass fed ground beef (2 times a week), 2 eggs in the morning, salmon, greek yogurt, cheese.

carbs: oats, bread, papaya, strawberry, banana, pasta, potato, sweet potato, broc****, ****flaur, brussel.

fats: pb, cheese, almond milk, ground beef, salmon, coconut olive oil.

breakfast: 2 servings of oats, almond milk, 1-2 eggs depending on what i plan to eat that day, 2-4 servings of egg whites, olive oil.

lunch: .5 servings of gluten free pasta, 5 oz of chicken

dinner: either red potato (350 grams) or sweet potato (300-325 grams) with either cheese, coconut oil if salmon or chicken or just plain grass fed ground beef since its high on fat.

1 hour before bed: 4 slices of bread, 1.5 servings of peanut butter, 2 servings of strawberry, 3 oz of banana 1 serving of papaya, half a serving of greek yogurt, salt, cinnamon.

here are my labs:

GLUCOSE 82 65 - 100 mg/dl
BUN 22 H 6 - 20 mg/dl
CREATININE, SERUM 1.2 0.7 - 1.3 mg/dl
SODIUM 145 136 - 145 mmol/L
POTASSIUM 4.4 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L
CHLORIDE 107 98 - 107 mmol/L
CO2 30 20 - 31 mmol/L
CALCIUM 9.4 8.3 - 10.6 mg/dl
TOTAL PROTEIN 6.4 5.7 - 8.2 g/dl
ALBUMIN 4.5 3.2 - 4.8 g/dl
GLOBULIN 1.9 L 2.1 - 3.6 g/dl
BILIRUBIN, TOTAL 1.7 H 0.3 - 1.2 mg/dl
ALT 31 < 49 U/L
AST 33 <39 U/L
Albumin/Globulin Ratio 2.4 H 0.8 - 2.0
BUN/CREAT RATIO N/A 7.3 - 21.7
GFR, estimated 78 ml/min

Stage 1 90 ml/min or more Healthy Kidneys or Kidney
damage with normal or high GFR
Stage 2 60 to 89 ml/min Kidney damage and mild decrease
in GFR
Stage 3 30 to 59 ml/min Moderate decrease in GFR
Stage 4 15 to 29 ml/min Severe decrease in GFR
Stage 5 < 15 ml/min Kidney failure, or on dialysis

TRIGLYCERIDES 47 <150 mg/dl
CHOLESTEROL, TOTAL 137 <200 mg/dl
HDL CHOLESTEROL 61 >40 mg/dl
LDL CHOLESTEROL, calc. 67 <100 mg/dl

from Forums - Nutrition

Chicken and rice

So one of the meals in my diet calls for half a cup of rice and 3 oz of chicken. I’m terrible at getting the rice right, and I need some tips on how to give it more flavor without screwing up my macros.

from Forums - Nutrition

Don't seem to be losing/gianing any weight

I way myself first thing in the morning after using the bathroom. My weight each morning has been consistently 169.6. I don't know how long exactly, but based on the time I started logging, it's been at least 2 weeks now. Every morning, it's the same thing... 169.6....

I am 26, and about 5'10"

I workout 4-5 days a week, all workout sessions lasting 40-60 minutes. I do not do any cardio...This is all resistance training. I work in a cubicle 8+ hours a day, so outside of working out, I am not very active.

I eat between 2200-2500 calories daily, and get as close to my macros as I can get.

Why has my body weight not even changed by 0.1 pounds yet? Surely I should have lost some weight in fat....or gained some weight in muscle.

Have I just not waited long enough? Should I eat more?

from Forums - Nutrition

Vector is good?

I work in a supermarket, lift boxes, pallets, etc.
First time it happens to me, I vomited after effort.

Before starting the effort I ate 4 toast with peanut, and vector cereal

A few hours later, I felt sick, asleep is it better to eat very little before an effort? Suggestion what eat? For a better performance in my job


from Forums - Nutrition

Love Punjabi Food? Here's How You Can Make A Six Course Fun Punjabi Meal At Home

Punjabi food too can be totally enjoyed over a multiple courses. Punjab has so much to offer in terms of drinks, appetisers, breads, curries and desserts, all of which can be doled out as part of a...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Want To Get Lean And Fit? Eat Negative Calorie Veggies Like Yami Gautam

Yami Gautam is sporting a super toned physique in her upcoming release and the diva posted a snapshot of her dinner last night. Here's what you can steal from her diet!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Sadabahar For Diabetes: How To Use This Herb To Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Ayurveda suggests having sadabahar herb, which is also known as periwinkle and vinca rosea. Here's what you need to know about this herb.

from NDTV Food - Latest

How To Use Instant Pot: All You Need To Know About The Versatile Multi-Cooker

In today's fast-paced world, instant pot (or instant pressure) cooker has become quite a hit, all thanks to the concept of pressure cooking. An instant pot is easy-to-use and also does the job of a...

from NDTV Food - Latest

India's oxytocin ban delayed by a month as Delhi HC hears cases against it

Oxytocin is a hormone drug used to induce labour in pregnant women and stall post-partum bleeding.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

How To Peel Tomatoes: 5 Amazing Tomato Recipes You Can Try

Learn how to peel tomatoes. Most of the time, you don't have to peel a tomato to prepare dishes. If you are preparing dishes like salsa, soup, jam or sauce, then removing the skin is the way to...

from NDTV Food - Latest

The virgin cocount oil effect

Virgin coconut oil that has traditionally been used in skincare now gets contemporary application in artisanal products. September 2 is World Coconut Day

from The Hindu - Fitness

Raw Garlic And Honey: Eat This Combination To Lose Weight Fast

A combination of raw garlic and honey might not seem very appetising, but it is very beneficial, when it comes to weight loss and improving your overall well-being. Here's how this unique combination...

from NDTV Food - Latest

20% body fat - Macros

Hey guys, I’m new here. I have recently started working out. I’m confused over what macros should be. My body fat is 20%. I’m 5’11” with 188lbs.

I want to lose fat and strengthen muscles as well.

What would be the best proportion of macros?

I was told high protein(1gm per lb) low carb (around 120) with 80 gym fat.


from Forums - Nutrition

Fats Calories?? Saturated Fats vs Trans Fats?? Does it matter?

I am looking at eating about 67-68g of fats / day got the number 0.45g / LBM (Lean Body Mass) pounds. I am 200 5'9" tall pounds, about 25% BF figure I'm around 150-155 pounds lean body mass, As I am stocky, I don't work out yet & everyone thinks I work out,I'm a fighter when i wear american fighter shirts, Or that I am military, I am asked this all the time.

Question is how much of this fat comes from meats? most of the fats I tend to eat are from meats, butter, mayonaise and cheese.

What is the split for saturated fats & Trans fats?? example 80% Trans fats & 20% saturated fats ect. or does this even matter and all i need to go by is TOTAL FATS when I'm looking at the labels & fats are fats?
Do I look at cholesterol at all when doing macros?

I have no gone complete eating healthy yet but want to get all my info and do it right the first time, Not even stepped in the gym yet but have a work out made.

Thanks for the info in advanced!

from Forums - Nutrition

Gland Pharma seeks pitches from investment bankers to go public

Gland Pharma, which is owned 74% by the Chinese major, is seeking a valuation of $3 billion, which is more than twice that of the valuation it was bought in September 2017.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Why is eating less bad for muscle growth?


I have read numrous article saying that eating less meal in your day makes your muscle harder to grow. I personally eat 2 meals a day and I wonder how does it make my muscle to grow slower compared to people who eats 3+ meals per day given that macro intake and calories are the same.

Thank you!

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: New England 4

Below are 12 popular foods/dishes that are likely to be found in the New England area.

Please choose up to 8 that you like:

Coffee Ice Cream

Crab Cake

Cranberry Sauce

Humpty Dumpty Chips

Indian Pudding

Joe Froggers

from Forums - Nutrition

Confused on Macros now Cause of Discretionary Calorie Allowance

Been making a meal plan and everything for myself using the 40% Protein -40% Carbs -20% Fats method. But now I read this sticky on here " Discretionary Calorie Allowance - What does it mean?"
It says to eat
-1.5g protein per lb/LBM
-0.45g fat per lb/BW
and the left over calories you eat what ever you want, They are calling these kcals, which is a wrong term anyways when i do a google search. a Kcal = Kilocalorie there are 1,000 Kilocalories in 1 Calorie
What if you ate a ribeye steak or something your fats would be way too high and carbs too low and you have no energy??
does it really matter how many fats vs carbs you have as long as you are under on calories? do fats give energy to lift too?
example: eat something high in fats before you lift instead of high in carbs for the same benefit?

I am 5'9" Tall 200 pounds built really stocky never lifted yet, 2,850 Calories maintenance. For me this would come out to
225g Protein = 900 Calories
90g fats = 810 Calories
900+810=1,710 Calories
I still have 1,140 Calories free to eat anything i want?
What happens if this comes out to be like 40% protein, 50% fat and 10% carbs?

My overall goal as a newbie to burn fat and gain muscle I am currently around 25% body fat @ 200 pounds. My max bench (messing around with guys from work wanting to see IF i could lift it) was 185 pounds 2 reps and deadlift 135 did it like 20+ times probably bad form who knows never done them before. We were just goofing off.

Is this Discretionary Calorie Allowance only for losing weight or it for everything?

from Forums - Nutrition

Looking for a Cook Book

I've just started an exercise routine to become stronger and lose weight. I'm a college student on a thin budget, and I don't have any experience keeping track of meals and ingredients. Is there a fitness cookbook out there that will give me a grocery list of ingredients and a list of meals to cook and eat per week or something?
I know losing weight is mostly about how much you eat. I'm not sure how much of this matters, but I'm 29, male, six-foot-one, and 240 pounds.

from Forums - Nutrition

I find it really hard to eat 2,000 calories

I’ve been working out for around just under a year and while I’m in better shape than I’ve ever been I’m still very small. Despite this I’m still quite squishy around the stomach which confuses me, I’m so skinny everywhere else and I’m so small people look at me like I’m crazy if I tell them.

Bit of backstory I was bulemic and anorexic for about 2 years so I think that messed up my metabolism a lot. Since then I’ve been eating what I thought was a normal amount but after checking it turns out I’ve been eating just over 1,000 cal a day. I guess it just seemed like a lot because I was eating less for so long. I’ve been trying to eat more but it’s pretty much impossible to get to 2,000. I’m vegetarian as well which makes it a lot harder to make up the calories. My mate has around 3,500 and I genuinely don’t see how that’s possible.

Has anyone got tips for bulking up and getting in more calories on a veggie diet?

from Forums - Nutrition

Protein overnight oats - when to add whey.

For those of you that make proats, do you add the whey before or after you soak the oats in liquid overnight? Does it make any difference?

from Forums - Nutrition

Are my Macros correct?

I have just finished losing weight over the summer I went from 86kg to 73kg. I'm very happy with the amount of weight I've lost and want to start bulking again.

I was thinking to go for 3000 calories with:
Protein: 188g
Fat: 67g
Carbohydrates: 412g

Can somebody please let me know if these macros are ok?

Thank you.

from Forums - Nutrition

Fortis CFO Gagandeep Singh Bedi quits

The Board of Directors of the company at its meeting held today have considered Bedi's resignation from the services of the company, and accepted the same.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Is my diet plan ok?

Hello, I'm planning a diet to help me lose weight. I'm 5 foot 9, I weight 240lb and have about 30%bf, also I'm 21, idk why my profile sais 48... I have attached both a spreadsheet and an image of the spreadsheet detailing my diet plan. Is it any good? are there any improvements that I could make?
Attached Images
Attached Files

from Forums - Nutrition

How To Eat Coconut Oil: 4 Yummy Ways To Add It To Your Diet, Benefits and Recipes

Did you know that there are many ways you can use coconut oil beyond your daily cooking like as a home remedy for beautiful skin and hair? Coconut oil is extracted from matured coconuts harvested from...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Is All Praises For Khandvi

Celebrity Nutritionist, Rujuta Diwekar posted a picture on Instagram with a tray-full of freshly prepared khandvi, gently reminding us of the joys of indulging in this low-fat Indian 'farsaan'

from NDTV Food - Latest

Mustard Oil For Hair: Benefits Of Sarson Ka Tel And Hair Masks For Lustrous Tresses

Thank heavens for the availability of mustard oil that is said to have certain properties that help reduce hair problems, thereby, keeping your locks healthy.

from NDTV Food - Latest

The Coconut Oil Controversy: Here's The Truth About Coconut Oil

The biggest tragedy of our times concerning health and diet is the mistaken belief that coconut oil is a poison that causes heart diseases, writes macrobiotic nutritionist and health practitioner...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Intense Dehydration!! - Any ideas?

Hi all, Just wanting to see if anyone has had the same experience.

35yo, been on a cut for 8months lost a lot of body fat. Down to about 152 lbs 14% bf (estimate, using calipers and tape, visual etc)

Recently (a few weeks ago) I've started getting a very intense dehydration feeling. Getting really thirsty at night/day and needing to drink so much that I'm peeing all the time. My pee is quite smelly, not too yellow, but just consistently smelly and just a little bit foamy.

My diet is averaging 2200kcal at the moment. I've just started a reverse diet. Protein is about 130gr from animal sources of which about 50-60grs is from Whey Protein powder.

I'm also taking Creatine (4-5g a day) . Also have a few cups of black tea in the morning. No coffee. I've stopped taking my caffeine pills pre-workout.

I don't go over board with sodium. What's got me stumped is that I haven't changed anything dramatic in my diet all year, but this really intense sense of dehydration has suddenly started and wont go away. Its making me quite tired cause I'm having a hard time sleeping well.

Has anyone heard of this before?

My ideas:
1. Too much protein (or protein powder)
2. Too much creatine
3. My body is gone into a state of detox now that I'm sub 15% fat for the first time in like 10years!
4. Maybe my protein powder containers need a good sterilisation as I know protein is bacteria breading ground.
5. As a result of weight loss my body has become much more sensitive to something (Sodium, creatine. ????) and it just came on suddenly)
6. I'm sick and need to go to a doctor.

Anyway, I'm going to start systematically chopping things out of my diet to see if I can figure it out. Drinking lots of water is definitely helping, but I'm drinking "plenty" so considering how intense this sensation is I think its weird.

Also, a few years ago I did a water only fast for 10 days. After about the second day, my pee starting smelling really bad. Obviously in a deep state of Ketosis and detox. So I wonder of my body is in a similar state of detox. Kinda like I've given it the chance to clean out the system now that my body fat has dropped so much compared to before...just a thought.

If cutting out supplements and sodium don't wont once I'm back up to maintenance calories, I my go see my GP

Any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated!

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: New England 3

Below are 12 foods that are popular in the New England area.

Please choose up to 8 that you like:

Baked Beans Sandwich

Cabot Cheese

Cape Cod Chips

Connecticut Shad

Del's Lemonade

Dunkin' Donuts

from Forums - Nutrition

Too much calcium?

Only occurred to me as I was half way through my fat-free Greek yogurt have I consumed too much calcium. I have had 1L of unsweetened almond milk, two hand full of spinach, 2 scoops of whey, 300g of fat free greek yogurt and 1,000mg in calcium pills (w/ magnesium and zinc). Have I went overboard today? A bit concerned will not be supplementing those pills to help me sleep anymore as I think my diet is very rich in calcium.

from Forums - Nutrition

Help- Frequent Painful Hunger Pangs & Getting Fat after Birth Control- Losing Hope

I am a female. After starting a birth control pill for medical reasons, my weight shot up over a period of 3-4 months. I gained 7 pounds and my body looks puffier, as well as my face. The weight is noticeable in my face, upper arms, breasts (cup size has increased big time), stomach, and hips. I assume I am retaining water. This morning, I was 1.5 lbs heavier than I weighed myself just now, this evening.

I tried another birth control pill about a week ago but I am not have any improvements in my weight despite carefully watching my diet and in fact, the hunger pangs are even more painful, possibly due to the pill or possibly because I have been focusing on it more, I am not sure.

For context, I never had issues with my weight, was always extremely thin, and honestly never really paid much attention to my diet for weight loss purposes.

Ever since I have been carefully watching my weight, I have been getting intense, painful hunger pangs around ever 2-4 hours despite making sure each snack is high in protein, fiber, and low in carbs. These hunger pangs will wake me up in the middle of the night AND early in the morning. The pain feels like someone is punching and twisting my stomach, breast bone, and stabbing my back. I drink copious amounts of water (with chia seeds or psyllium husk mixed in for the fiber) and eat steamed cauliflower and broc**** along with a few tablespoons of cottage cheese but it only works for ~1 hr before the intense hunger pain comes back and I still wake up twice through the night starving in pain. I consider myself to have strong will-power but these hunger pangs are extremely difficult to ignore.

I have talked to my doctor who claims he believes the birth control is not the culprit of my weight gain as he claims the water weight is supposed to go away after three months and that "research has shown birth control has not been proven to cause weight gain" but I know he is wrong as I have kept a diligent diet log and have not changed my diet despite my weight shooting up. Unfortunately, I will have medical issues if I go off birth control but I cannot keep gaining weight and the water I am retaining makes my face look extremely puffy.

It's extremely depressing and I'm not sure what I should do?

Can anyone recommend anything?
Should be seeing a different doctor or possibly even a specialist such as an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist?
Could these 6 lbs of weight gain be all fat or possibly water retention?

My breasts have increased in cup sizes immensely but I don't consider it a perk given how much weight I've been gaining and how my appetite has seemingly increased. I don't know if my appetite has actually increased or if I am only noticing it by controlling my diet and focusing on it more but the hunger pangs are out of this world PAINFUL.

Please help me. I am getting depressed over this and losing hope I'll ever look the same.

Note: I started the birth control due to debilitating PMS symptoms that came on within the past year that would cause me to sleep anywhere from 14-18 hours for a few days to a week before menstruating, on top of intense cravings and frequent eating and night sweats.

from Forums - Nutrition


I’m currently weighing in at 59kg, I train a lower body, upper body, push, pull, legs and full body workouts 6 days a week. I train for an hour and half including 20 minutes cardio.

I’m currently battling anorexia, I want to bulk up abit and add some mass but more scared than anything to do it. How should I best go about adding lean mass?

from Forums - Nutrition


Hey guys,

I am new to the forum so please bare with me if this has already been asked/posted or if I have posted in the wrong forum (I apologize in advance).

I found out about a month ago that I have gastritis (mostly from smoking cigarettes and junk food). Currently, I can only eat chicken and turkey as well as noodles. I have developed a gluten and lactose intolerance due to the gastritis. I am having a very hard time hitting a calorie surplus as I cannot have big meals of what my stomach allows me to eat. It makes me quite nauseous if I eat too much. I'm still working out but not getting enough calories in. I would appreciate all and any advice from you guys. Thank you lots and lots.

from Forums - Nutrition

18M 6’2 19%bf 225lbs diet help

I’ve been dieting for a while and have lost quite a bit of weight, but recently I switched to a 2000cal meal plan, it’s something like 220p 170c 50f. I’m pretty sure I have absolutely terrible metabolism which is why I tried to eat lower calories, but would a diet around 2200 be better for maintaining muscle? My job is just staying in front of a computer most the day. Any tips appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

Counting only protein and calories?

I counted all 3 macros (and fiber) for quite some time now but decided I want to try something else that isn’t as strict for a few weeks. I’m trying to lose weight and have a decent amount of muscle built up so I’m wanting to keep protein on the higher side. 1g per pound for now. So right now I’m taking in 150g of protein daily, keeping my cals at 1700, and carbs/fat fluctuate but neither one is too high or too low - there just isn’t a set number. Also keeping a close eye on fiber. As time goes on I’m going to decrease by 50 cals each week and adjust protein by weight. I’m also keeping up with a consistent exercise regimen and I don’t plan on dropping cals below a healthy range.

Anyways, I haven’t been able to find much research on just counting protein and cals so just wanted to hear some feedback!

from Forums - Nutrition

Domestic pharma players eye Bharat Serums acquisition

The two funds together hold a 23% stake and the remainder is with the Daftary family.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Cutting to Bulking calorie help

I'm currently 6'2 160 lbs Just turned 18. Here are some stats as to my general strength and body

Bench 1 RPM - 165
Deadlift 1 RPM - 300
Squat 1 RPM - 205

Minor definition in abs
I just cut down from 170 lbs as I just felt unhealthy and had some unwanted fat. The problem was that during my cut I was eating approx 1900 calories (most days 50-100 calories under) but wasn't accounting for the fact that I was working out almost everyday with decent intensity. My total calorie net was probably around 1450 cals a day. Now that I'm satisfied with my weight loss and aren't gaining any muscles on a deficit, I want to start a serious bulk, I'm unsure of how many calories I should eat. Most calculators say around 2700, but with exercise this number would be around 3000. Would it be normal to jump over double the calories in order to start bulking.

My cut was done on a 40%protein, 30%fat, 30%carb split

Before people start thinking I'm ridiculously skinny, I would say that I look larger than most people at my weight because of my wide shoulders and hips. I also have a decent amount of muscle and fat. I honestly don't know where other people get all there weight from. I have little to no fat on my limbs mostly only concentrated around waist.

from Forums - Nutrition

Need help : Cutting - calories and macros

Hi All ,
Have benefitted a lot from this forum. Thank you for all your help guys !! I’m now in my cutting phase( need to lose 10 kgs) and below are my stats ;

Height 5’10
Weight 85kgs
Daily calorie intake is around 1750-1850 and the Macros are;

Protein ~200gms (~46%)
Fat ~ 50gms (~25%)
Carbs ~ 130gms (~ 29%)

The percentages change by a max +/- 1 or 2%. I drink about 4 litres of water per day.

I lift moderate to heavy for 5-6 days a week and do HIIT 4 days for 15-20 minutes each ( running on treadmill).

Am I doing it right ? Need your suggestions.

from Forums - Nutrition

High carb affects my progress

Hello, I have 2 weeks since I've increased my caloric intake with 1000 calories from carbs. Protein and fats are the same like before... I eat 2g protein / kg ..and fat 1g / kg . The problem is my strength has decreased a lot and I don't know why. Its weird because I eat more carbs, more calories, i should grow, not to decrease ...

from Forums - Nutrition

Eat before bed

Hello guys. Any one could help with a doubt here ? I usually have dinner at 07:00pm, but before bed, around 10:00pm sometime I get hungry, I used to eat pop corn. Is this fine, or there are other options that I should consider ?

from Forums - Nutrition

Advice on Routine

Hello! I just started this routine for bulking (first time) and was hoping I could get any advice on it.

Sun - Back/Bicep for 45 min
Mon - Chest/Tricep for 45 min, abs for 15
Tues - Run 2-3 miles
Wed - Back/Bicep for 45 min
Thurs - Chest/Tricep for 45 min, abs for 15
Fri - Run 2-3 miles
Sat - Full rest day

Nutrition Goals:
Calories - 2400
Carbs - 310
Protein -160
Fat - 76

I'm a 5' 11'' male and have been stuck at 150 lbs for a while. I'm hoping this new routine will get that muscle growin! Thanks for the help!

from Forums - Nutrition

8 Interesting Snacks You Can Prepare With Bread

We enlist some amazing snacks and sweets that you can prepare using bread and enjoy them with your evening tea.

from NDTV Food - Latest

9 Incredible Eating Habits According To Ayurveda You Should Adopt Today

Choosing foods according to your constitution, paying attention to food and eating as per your capacity are some of the Ayurvedic practices that could bring about a great deal of change in your...

from NDTV Food - Latest

The Alan Aragon situation

Just an FYI for those who've missed whats come to light, a good summation is here:

from Forums - Nutrition

This Khan Special Omelette Comes With A Desi Tadka

Located in Chandni Chowk area, Khan Omelette Corner is a little shop that is serving delectable varieties of omelettes for decades now

from NDTV Food - Latest

Happy Birthday Nagarjuna Akkineni: Diet Secrets Of The Devadas Actor

Telugu superstar Nagarjuna Akkineni turns 59 today. Here's the secret behind the age-defying charm of the star- simple and healthy diet and a disciplined lifestyle.

from NDTV Food - Latest

What kind of dressing is best for salads?

Lately I've been trying to get salads at my work instead of things like stir-fry, burgers, tacos, etc.

The salad bar consists of quite a few things, but I generally get about 6 oz of spinach, mushrooms, peas, black beans, olives, and a few other veggies with some grilled chicken

I feel like this is a good solid lunch and hits quite a few different macros, but dressing is where I struggle. We have quite a few different options, but no nutritional values listed. I generally get 3.2 oz of their "italian" dressing, but I have to guess on the contents. I know that it tastes really good which to me means that it's probably pretty high in fat and oils.

What kind of dressing should I try in preference to losing weight and keeping my salad balanced?

from Forums - Nutrition

This Herbivorous Platter At Woodbox Cafe Is Sure To Be A Heaven For All Vegetarians Out There

Located in the Hudson Lane, Woodbox Cafe is serving a giant all-vegetarian platter, which is sure to be a treat for all the vegetarians out there!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Glenmark inks licensing pact for generic Tiotropium Bromide dry powder inhaler in Western Europe

This is the second inhalation product in-licensed by Glenmark for the European market after Fluticasone/Salmeterol dry powder inhaler, the company said.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Your habit of throwing medicines is breeding superbugs that are hard to cure

"Superbugs" are strains of bacteria that are resistant to the majority of antibiotics commonly used today to treat infections.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Low protein&high leucine breakfast for cutting

I'm going to do a 4 week mini cut and shoot to lose about 6 lbs on top of water weight.

Last time I cut for about 3-4 months and lost 20 lbs (water weight included). I usually didn't eat from about 8PM-12PM (the next day), simply because I wasn't hungry during that time. This time around I want to optimize MPS a bit more and spread my meals apart more and add additional protein feedings, so I'm going to start eating breakfast and probably eat something an hour or 2 before I sleep.

I'll probably shoot for 4-5 protein feedings, but I don't want to use up many calories on the breakfast feeding since I am never hungry in the mornings. I want to save the calories for when I'm actually hungry. So I want to add in additional feedings by using (very) low calorie (< 100) options.

So I'm wondering if consuming something like 10 g of protein along with 2.5g leucine -- I will have to supplement with BCAAs in order to achieve this -- would be about equivalent to consuming, say, 30g protein with 2.5g leucine in a single feeding, in terms of optimizing MPS? I recall MRPB posting something about 6g protein + 2.5g leucine being sufficient to optimize MPS, but I can't seem to find the post again.

from Forums - Nutrition

Govt asks districts to weed out names that should not be in list of Ayushman Bharat beneficiaries

The National Health Agency sent a circular to districts asking them to weed out any families identified as eligible for the Ayushman Bharat-National Health Protection Mission, but who in reality are financially well off.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Is it normal to feel radical results after 2 weeks of bulking?

Was trying to get shredded this summer. Am a pretty skinny guy 6’1 around 160 lbs (now 155 after cutting) and cut for pretty much the whole summer. Kinda overdid it w cutting because I have a desk job and thus am not very active daily other than lifting 3-5 times a week. Cut at between 1500-1800 calories per day. Yeah, I know it was too little but I saw pretty crazy results over the 2.5 months I did this. Ended w a budding eight pack and lost a ton of fat. Kept most of muscle mass from what I can tell.

However, am now experimenting w a switch to bulking and am seeing weirdly fast results here too, both positive and negative. Am now eating between 2200-2600 calories a day (I know some will say eat more for bulk, but I was just cutting so wanted to play it safe). I’ve seen a radical change in my gym sessions. While I thought I was fine at the gym before, I suddenly have so much more energy to finish extra sets and my weight has gone up for basically every muscle group exercise. I’ve noticed my chest and shoulders feel physically bigger, even after just these two weeks. However, I also feel that I am gaining fat as well, which also feels like too much for just two weeks of bulking. Am loving this extra strength at the gym but don’t want to undo all the hard work I’ve done this summer and become a fat ass. I know people say bulks should last multiple months so I don’t wanna take this too fast. Am only 19 and a beginner at all this. Is the reason my body feels like it’s shifting so rapidly because my daily caloric change (from cutting to bulking) was too large and too sudden? I mean I basically switched from eating like a starving child all summer to adding an extra 1000 calories per day. Any advice on this?

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: New England 2

Below are 12 New England popular food/dishes.

Please choose up to 8 that you like:

Bagel Cheese Bagel & Bacon

Blueberry Pancakes

Blueberry Pie

Boston Creme Pie

Cheddar & Apple Pie

Chicken & Waffles

from Forums - Nutrition

rest week and calories

is this a bit overkill? so im taking 9 days off the gym due to life issues atm and won't be as active (wayyy less active) as before. i never knew my true maintenance. last time i checked i was 158 6'3'' eating 2800 and losing a bit of weight. (training was full body 3 days a week with 1 or 2 days worth of cardio burning around 400-500 calories via treadmill jogging.) i was planning since im literally going to only be walking 1-2 hours daily and standing on my feet during working hours for 25 hours this week lower my calories to 2300? like i said i never knew my maintenance or bulk calories.

from Forums - Nutrition

PLZ HELP, will eatinf 3000 calories make me fat if im skinny rn?


im currently 19 years old and around 57kg which is quite skinny. i am currently eating 3000 calories a day and its helping me gain weight. however, i saw a video on youtube that said eating too many calories a day will make me fat later and i should only be eating 150-200 calories more than what i do to maintain my weight(1800 kcal) What should i do? i really wanna gain weight fast and have some muscles at 70kg but not so much fat that my muscles wont even be visible... plz help

from Forums - Nutrition

Where from here.

Hey guys, just a quick question. If you look at my progress photos on my profile, I seem to be quite soft and always have been. My body fat is quite low but I put on fat very easily. I'm 19, 172cm and 62kg. Am I just not developed yet, still lean bulk or am I getting what they call skinny fat. Cheers, Tom.

from Forums - Nutrition

Are my Macros correct?

I have lost a lot of weight over the summer and am now ready to start gaining muscle again.

My weight is 74kg
My height is 185cm
Calories: 3100
Protein: 194g
Fat: 69g
Carbohydrates: 426g

Please let me know if they need correcting.

from Forums - Nutrition

Whats your daily liquid intake? How much is optimal?

I drink around 4l of liquid daily, weighting 150lbs.

I guess around 3l of this is water while 1l goes with drinking protein,creatine, multivitamin and coffe/green tea.
Even tho I drink much I often find myself thirsty, Im reducing water intake by the end of the day so I don't interrupt my sleep cycle-

from Forums - Nutrition

Maharashtra FDA ex-chief accuses DCGI of delaying action against J&J

In a telephonic interview to ET, Zagade also questioned the basis on which the drug controller’s office re-issued the import licence for the articular surface replacement (ASR) hip implants even though the company had voluntarily recalled the product in 2010.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

New to this

Hello everyone. I am just starting this new way of eating healthier and working out. I am a 30 yr old male who has had a herniated disc (dont want that to happen again). I want to obivously loose weight and build muscle, but i am struggling to find info on what my food intake should be as far as how much snaking, eating, protinen, ect. Any info would be great.

from Forums - Nutrition

How To Use Pressure Cooker: An Ultimate Guide To Cook Quick Meals

When it comes to cooking food, a lot of us resort to quick and easy measures. In today's fast-paced world when most of us have tight working schedules, it is difficult to take out a large chunk of...

from NDTV Food - Latest

5 DIY Immunity-Boosting Tonics To Prepare This Monsoon

While all of us are more or less familiar with immunity-boosting foods, there are some lesser known and quick DIY health drinks or tonics, which you can easily make at home to fight monsoon infections...

from NDTV Food - Latest

6 Best Fruits To Manage Constipation

Constipation is defined as a condition where a person has a difficulty in emptying bowels. A number of reasons can trigger the condition, but if experts are to be believed, our lifestyle and diet...

from NDTV Food - Latest

How To Caramelise Apple: Follow These Easy Steps To Caramelise Apples Like A Pro

Be it roasted chicken or raisin pancakes, caramelised apples taste the best with almost everything. Not only do they enhance the taste of the savoury or sweet dish, but also add a subtle sweetness to...

from NDTV Food - Latest

#NewRestaurantAlert: The New Pan-Asian Restaurant With A Difference!

The hustling M-block market of Greater Kailash 1 has opened its door to a new Pan-Asian restaurant, Tanoshii Trail. The restaurant is one-stop food destination for the ones who have a taste for...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Allergic To Eggs? Know Everything About Egg Allergy And Its Symptoms

What is egg allergy and how to find out if one has an allergy? Fret not; as we tell you all about egg allergy, its symptoms and prevention.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Can I be bigger if I weigh the same?

I compete in physique and do 2 shows per year. So I have a 7 month break and then a 5 month break. During these breaks I do a short clean bulk then cut for show, trying to make improvements each time.
My last show, I weighed 150 on the button, guessing around 8%.
I'm 4 weeks out from my next show and can see I'll come in at exactly the same weight and look to be about the same %.

I'm confused though; my delts are bigger, lats are wider and bis are bigger. Even my legs are a little bigger. So, unless my bones got smaller or less dense, is this possible?
Am I fooling myself thinking I've made improvements? I definitely look more muscular this year than I did last year but weigh the same.


( i know this could have gone in contest prep but it's kinda nutrition as well)

from Forums - Nutrition

Lupin gets USFDA nod to market its postherpetic neuralgia drug

The company's tablets are generic version of Pfizer Inc's Neurontin tablets in the same strengths, Lupin said.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Modicare: Rule of hospital stay eased for cancer fighters

Guidelines of the tumour board have been adopted to ensure patients do not have to pay out of their pocket.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Can I maintain my new body eating what I want while still working out hard

Over the last five months I’ve lost 35 lbs of fat and gained a healthy looking 6 pack. I made this my goal by the end of the summer and I’m close to hitting it.

I’ve stayed on a very strict lowish carb high protein diet and have committed to it well. I workout 5-6x a week for about an hour.

I just wanted to know if I can eat what I want once the summer is over (e.g my moms home cooking, occasionally going out, drinking) and still maintain atleast a 4 pack? I do not intend to keep this six pack over the winter and don’t mind losing it. I just don’t want to be fat again.


from Forums - Nutrition

Losing Weight/Building Muscle Macros

Hello everyone, So i'm a first time poster and i'm looking to get some correct information i'm getting into working out correctly but i'm still a bit fuzzy about the right amount of Carbs & Fats to intake I know Protein is 1 gram per pound of body weight but when it comes to Carbs I've heard people say you should eat less Carbs then Protein, you should eat more Carbs, That you should starve your Carbs because it feeds fat any info would be great. I'm 18 5 foot 9 and 184 pounds.

from Forums - Nutrition

Feeling unusual lack of energy (possibly due to heat)?

I've been feeling tired since Saturday night.

I flew out to the Midwest this past Saturday night, and it's pretty hot (high 80s Farehnheit, but 90%+ humidity) and humid here compared to what I'm used to (Bay Area weather). I don't do so well in hot and humid weather, especially humid weather. It makes me feel tired and less energetic, but usually if I go into a cool room (e.g., the gym), then I usually feel much more energetic, almost instantaneously. Well, this didn't happen today when I went to the gym and tried to run my usual mile. I ran 1/3 of the mile at my usual pace and it was really difficult. It wasn't nearly this bad when I went to Atlanta in June. It was even hotter and just as humid there, so I'm not sure if this is related entirely to the hot and humid environment.

My diet has been slightly different in terms of food choices. I feel I'm actually eating healthier (relatively) the past couple of days, and hitting about the same macros, give or take. The one dietary issue I had was I went to this Mongolian grill restaurant yesterday in the early afternoon. Ate a ****load of imitation crab and Swai fish (didn't know what this **** was until I google'd it later and regretted eating it) and had diarrhea for the rest of the day. I get diarrhea more often than the typical person, so this isn't exactly abnormal for me. No diarrhea or stomach pain today.

Right now, I'm feeling kind of nauseous and hot (AC doesn't work), and low energy, but not sleepy. Note that I think I started feeling this way before I ate the mongolian grill, so I don't think it's because of potential food poisoning.

Does anyone else feel a significant decrease in energy levels in hot and/or humid environments? I'm not sure if this is because of the environment or because of the Mongolian grill yesterday or some other dietary issue. Can certain foods make one feel really tired for a long period of time? I've experienced sugar crashes before, which is worse than how I feel now, but it usually lasts only a couple of hours.

I'm supposed to get in a lift session tomorrow and I don't think I'd be able to lift effectively like this.

from Forums - Nutrition

India's health ministry still 'deliberating' on findings on J&J's faulty hip implants, says JP Nadda

J&J, through subsidiary DePuy Orthopaedics, had issued a global recall of the implant system, called ASR Hip System, in 2010 after it received "new information" from the UK National Joint Registry, a J&J spokesperson earlier said.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Food Faceoff: New England 1

This week you will be voting on popular foods from the New England area.

Thank you to SuperHippo for the list suggestion :)

Below are 12.

Please choose up to 8 that you like:

American Chop Suey

Anadama Bread

Apple Cider Donuts

Ben & Jerrys

Chicken Pot Pie

Double Crust Clam Pie

from Forums - Nutrition

Tired all the time

I started my body building journey 6 months ago. I have lost a total of 48 pounds of fat and now bulking. I have felt like a beast until I changed to a bulking diet. Now I am edgy and exhausted all the time. What can I do to fix this without slowing my progress.

from Forums - Nutrition

Discover the Amazing Weight loss & Health Benefits of Red Tea

There's nothing better than finishing your day with a sweet and soothing red tea latte that'll keep your metabolism burning all night long right? So... Try out this delectable red tea latte tonight and let me know what you think. This powerful recipe and program can help you lose even the most stubborn fat. No other detox program contains these 5 unique ingredients scientifically proven to unlock stubborn fat cells, and flush fat away. Try it out and let me know what you

from Forums - Nutrition

protein requirements

I have recently started an upper/lower split and it doesn't feel as taxing on any particular muscle group like my bro splits did. I dont feel like Im "blasting" a particular muscle group anymore. Ive never done upper/lower splits so this is a new feeling to me. I do enjoy the feeling of being strong on each lift throughout my workout though because Im not too awful fatigued coming from the previous lift. (example going from bench to bent over rows, instead of straight from bench to incline DB)

My question is basically, because im not tearing down a particular muscle group like I was, would my protein requirements stay the same? I feel like im tearing down multiple muscle groups within the same workout now, just much lighter all over.

7 months into working out thus far
Been on upper/lower for 1.5 weeks now
Any other information needed can be supplied

from Forums - Nutrition

Do I need the extra calories?

After 'dicking around' with my routine and going nowhere I have decided to keep it simple and concentrate on strength building first. I have decided to do the Stronglifts 5x5 routine and to stick to doing the program exactly as it says. Also I intend to get my nutrition sorted in order to maximise my gains as much as possible from the program. The program starts me off at 50% of my 5 rep max which is fine and that's where I'll start. From a nutrition point of view I need to take in 2635 calories each day to keep me in a calorie surplus. ( I weigh 165lbs) so hopefully this is about right. My question is that if I'm only starting off at 50% of my 5 rep max then am I actually doing enough to still be building muscle and do I still need the extra calories? My fear is that I wont be using enough weight to create muscle breakdown to warrant the extra intake and it will just go on as fat.

from Forums - Nutrition

Diet and Nutrition

Hi Everyone,

New to the forum here and was hoping to get some advice on dieting tips. I currently weigh about 185 lbs. with about 20% body fat. I'd like to maintain my 185 but at about 10% body fat. How should I go about this diet plan? I have a sedentary job but am active at the gym 4-5 times per week. To maintain my weight I usually hover around 2,500 calories. What would be the best approach? How many grams of protein/carbs should my intake be to achieve my goal? Thanks.

from Forums - Nutrition

How To Make Sensational Gun Powder At Home: A Perfect Recipe For Keeps

Idli powder is widely available in supermarkets across India but it doesn't take too much effort to make your own powder at home

from NDTV Food - Latest

How To Avoid Food Wastage: 7 Easy Ways To Reduce Food Waste And Save Money

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, about 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year. Here are smart and simple ways that will help minimise food wastage at home and will...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Beer For Hair: Here's How To Use Beer To Get Healthy, Soft, Shiny Hair

Did you know that beer can be used to improve the quality of your hair? Want to know how? Here's a step-by-step guide to use beer for healthy, glossy hair!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Nutmeg (Jaiphal) For Skin: How To Use The Wonder Spice In Your Beauty Regime

hile you know some of its exceptional health benefits, you must also know how good it is for your skin too. If you are the uninitiated one here, we tell you some marvellous benefits of nutmeg for skin...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Janmashtami 2018: 5 Easy Prasads To Make At Home

Janmashtami is one of the most widely celebrated festivals of the Indian subcontinent, and this year it would be celebrated on 2nd September 2018. A lot of prasads are prepared on this pious day

from NDTV Food - Latest

6 Interesting Ways To Add Beetroots To Your Diet For Overall Health

Amongst an array of vegetables and fruits, beetroot has emerged to be one of the superfoods that promote overall health

from NDTV Food - Latest

Ishaan Khatter's Monday Morning Breakfast Looks Better Than Yours!

Ishaan Khatter posted a snapshot of his Monday morning breakfast on his Instagram stories and the meal will brighten your day!

from NDTV Food - Latest

What Do Yogis Eat? And How You Can Eat Like A Yogi Too

The practice of yoga has evolved over the years to incorporate many modern lifestyles. The question is, has it evolved to suit modern diets and eating styles?

from NDTV Food - Latest

Lupin launches contraceptive drug in the US market

The company has launched the product in the US after having received approval from the USFDA earlier, Lupin said in a BSE filing.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Yoga asanas for the shoulder

It’s time to give your shoulders a good stretch with the trusted child pose and its variations

from The Hindu - Fitness

The journey of Amit Samarth, the first Indian to complete the Trans-Siberian Extreme

Amit Samarth on how he spent 25 sleepless days cycling along the midlands of Russia

from The Hindu - Fitness

Should I eat that much for workout?

Hey guys,

I am currently following Jim Stoppani's Shortcut to Size programme and I just noticed that he posted a calculator for my macro. I am currently 78 Kilograms (which is around 172lbs) and the calculator suggested that I have to take around 3300 calories on my workout day while taking 3100 calories on my rest days. I was wondering if I should take that much of calories as I also aim to lose some fat and weight. Should I just follow what Jim says? Or should I just stick to his plan and eat less than that? I used a TDEE calculator and it said I should take around 2257 to lose weight.


from Forums - Nutrition

USFDA conducts inspection of Sun Pharma’s Halol site: Sources

The USFDA inspection at Halol in 2015 had resulted in 23 observations – a set of deficiencies in the manufacturing processes.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

cant train for 4-6 weeks. Any suggestions for diet?

Hi everyone,
I had a surgery on my lower body last week, and the doctors have told me not to weight train or anything for 4-6 weeks. So if I cant train, might as well eat the best I possibly can right?
Any suggestions for a meal plan where i could just slim down a little, but obviously be able to keep as much muscle as possible. My worst fear is going back to the gym and losing all the gains ive gotten.
Thanks in advance!

from Forums - Nutrition

nutrition help/question, per 100g?

just curious, on these chicken wings i got it said 200 cals per 100 grams

the whole container is 1.1kg

so do you multiply by 11? 1.1kg is 1100 grams..

but a friend told me it's not like that, there is 1.1kg in the whole container, but the wings have bones, so he says it wouldn't be x11 for the whole container, because he says its measured as 200 calories per 100g of meat, how would you even figure out how many cals or whatever you're getting then?

1.1kg in the whole container ,and a serving is 100g

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: BBQ Finals

Below are the top 10 voted BBQ/Grill foods in order of received votes.

Please choose your 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place choices:


Filet Mignon

Bruschetta Chicken

Jerk Chicken

Beef & Broc Skewers

from Forums - Nutrition