Too much sodium!

I started bulking, and I’m using My Fitness Pal to track my calories.

I need 2,470 cals to gain .5lbs a week. Today for example, I got 161gr protein 92gr fat and 177gr carb and I have 443 calories remaining.

I’m eating generally clean: eggs, salmon, tuna fish, leafy vegetables, turkey breast, fruits, oatmeal.

I guess my not so clean food choices are peanut butter and bread. I got 3,077gr of sodium. I feel very bloated and my stomach is popping out.

What can I do? If I cut out the breads and peanut butter, I’m not going to get enough cals/carbs.

If you need any more additional info, I’ll be glad to tell you. Thanks!

from Forums - Nutrition

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